Author: Krim

Explorer Note: Rockwell Recipes

Earlier in the year we revealed one of the first of many Explorer Notes that exists on the ARK. The Explorer Note System will allow survivors to discover the stories of actual inhabitants that have lived on the isle, and learn what their fates are, over time. By studying their notes, going through their experiences, and revealing the secrets they have discovered, you will be able to get closer to the heart of the mysteries surrounding the ARK!


Content of the Note:

“It is on stormy nights like this that I wish I could speak to my colleagues back in London. John Parkinson and his Theatrum Botanicum would find himself humbled at the diversity of the flora I have on record; “The Rockwell Recipes” will be the next greatest work in botany.

Like the greats before me, my time is spent exploring the medicinal properties that the plants here have to offer. Insulated now from the hostility of the island by a colony of locals (who for the record, would another text entirely in anthropology) they have taken it upon themselves to clothe and protect me in exchange for my scientific knowledge; I will present it to His Majesty Charles I after I return and I am sure be published within the year.”




XBox One – ARK Survival Evolved Patch 733.2

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed Beaver/Dam spawn rates
  • Fixed/improved “out of memory” crashes (responsible for most current crashes)
  • Fixed invisible supply crates in caves/underwater on clients
  • Fixed multi-floor building on Rafts and Platform saddles (disallowed on Quetz still due to exploit)
  • Improved rendering performance slightly (~4%)
  • Fixed player dedicated servers that were not spawning dinos
  • Fixed case where dino harvesting would break

Dino Dossier: Moschops

Common Name Moschops
Species Moschops cibumutante
Time Mid Permian
Diet Omnivore
Temperament Cowardly
Tameable Yes
Rideable No
  • Wild: Moschops cibumutante in the wild is a lethargic, cowardly creature that primarily lives in the forests of the island, primarily making its home among the great redwoods of the West. It survives by being extremely flexible in its eating habits and completely averse to fighting. It never starves, since it can eat just about anything. Moschops runs at the slightest provocation, but is still often preyed upon.
  • Domesticated: What makes Moschops particularly interesting is what it can be trained to do with its eating habits. With a versatile palate and tough teeth, Moschops can be tamed for a unique ability: over time it can be taught exactly which things to gnaw, increasing the likelihood of harvesting that exact resource which its master desires. For example, teach it to prioritize chewing Prime Meat, and Prime Meat will be easier to harvest from the flesh it consumes. Likewise for rare plants materials, and so forth!
  • Known Information: Just don't expect Moschops to protect you, though. Even after taming, it will quickly flee when enemies are nearby. Regardless of being fed well, increasing its strength, or how much affection you shower on it--Moschops retains its inherent cowardly nature!


  • Raw Meat
  • Raw Prime Meat
  • Hide


Base Stats and Calculator

Level Base + Lvl =

Check Moschops in Taming Calculator

ARK: Survival of the Fittest (SotF) now on PC, Mac, Linux & SteamOS!

Hey Survivors!

Today we are very excited to tell you that ARK: Survival of the Fittest is now available for Mac, Linux, and SteamOS on Steam Early Access!

These versions share all of the features and content of the PC version of the game and includes seamless online cross-play, with players able to play together no matter which platform they choose.

Are you ready to get in on the action? Click here to be brought to the Steam store.


And remember, Survival of the Fittest is free for anyone to play!

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 238.6

  • Fixed issue that was often preventing Dinos from Harvesting. Requires server update.
  • Allowed “underneath foundation” build method on non-Quetz platforms/boats. Requires server update.

How to give other players admin command access on your Non-Dedicated Server

You want to give your best friend or helpers the possibility to get in an admin position?

Then you have to follow this simple steps 🙂

  1. Select Host/local
  2. Select “HOST DEDICATED SERVER” ( DO NOT  load your non-dedicated yet)
  3. Invite the people you want to give admin command access to.
  4. Use the on-screen options to grant the players the admin position. Just click on the Player or Players you want and then click on the “Add Admin” dialog button, their names will be transfered to the administrator list.
  5. Your friends now have to exit to the main menu
  6.  Now host your non-dedicated server.
  7.  Your friends can now use “admincheat <command>” as soon as they´re logged in 🙂

You can give your friends access to admin rights ingame : just go up to them, hold “Y” and promote them to admin.

How to use Cheats in ARK on XBox One

Since the Ark- Patch 733.0 for Xbox One you can use the same cheat commands for PC on your Xbox One ARK Version in your Single Player Game or on your dedicated Server.

With the cheats you´re able to do a lot of things such as spawn various dinosaurs, items or give experience to other players or to yourself 🙂


So how do you enable the Admin Console Cheat Commands on Xbox One?

Just press “Start” and you´re at the Pause Screen – There you should find an option to enter the cheats at the top of your screen.

Bildschirmfoto 2016-04-09 um 09.43.26

You can find our console command list here.

It can happen that you´re screen get totally boggus with cheat commands –> then just enter the command line “setCheatPlayer false”

Xbox One ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 733.0


  • All PC Content & Fixes Through PC v238 (such as “New Cave-Dungeons: Snow and Swamp. New Creatures: Woolly Rhino, Eurypterid etc)
  • All-New “Extinction Event” Servers, which reset after each month, with an in-game countdown! (these are additional brand NEW servers, not existing servers ;) )

Fixes & Improvements

  • Improved game framerate by approximately 10% (rendering & cpu)
  • Fixed Bug: Focus is now NOT on the Leave Tribe button when opening the Tribe Menu, also added a Leave Tribe confirmation dialog.
  • If you get stuck underground, you now teleport back above ground.
  • Mammoth colorization fixed
  • Timer values that were resetting to 0 on “Reset Options” now reset to their correct value
  • Spyglass now works properly in splitscreen.

Server related Stuff

  • DEDICATED SERVER administrators can now specify a list of administrator users to have access to the full set of administrator (console) commands, as on PC. Singleplayer/Non-Dedicated hosts always have the option to cheat. If you have administrator access, all PC console commands can now be inputted at the Pause Menu. (Link to our Cheat-Command-List)
  • Server Options now have edit boxes for inputting direct arbritrary values.

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 238.3

  • Fixed an issue that was creating too many Beavers/Beaver-Dams. Requires server update.

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 238.1 & 238.2



  • Increased Eurypterid spawn frequency by 60%
  • New Saddles are now craftable on Beaver-Smithy
  • Reduced Dunkleosteus maximum Torpor
  • Rhino tames 40% faster

Fixes & Improvements

  • Rhino can now be picked up by Quetz
  • Official Extinction Event servers now have 2x-3x settings
  • Non-Official Extinction Event servers will now auto-restart properly


  • Unversioned Hotfix (Client-side): Fixed incorrect terrain materials.
  • Fixed a server startup crash from v280.0 😉 — Server admins please update to v238.1 or higher!
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