Author: Krim

Dino Dossier: Giganotosaurus

The Giganotosaurus will be a very big dinosaur, based on the indominus rex of Jurassic World. If you want to tame it in the future: start collecting narcotics, now. You will need them

Common Name: Giganotosaurus
Species: Giganotosaurus furiosa
Time: Late Cretaceous
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Angry
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: Yes
  • Wild: Giganotosaurus furiosa is an enormous predator, larger even than the Tyrannosaurus or Spinosaurus. While greater in size than those storied predators, it can be somewhat less dangerous when encountered in the wild, due to its sluggish speed. Even still, getting cornered or run down by a Giganotosaurus means certain death for nearly any creature.
  • Domesticated: Taming Giganotosaurus is a dangerous prospect. Its rage reaction, even when tamed, can sometimes cause it to briefly turn on members of its own tribe. Indeed it may even throw off its rider if it has been sufficiently angered! And yet, the sheer size and immense power that the Giganotosaurus possesses means that some factions endeavor to tame it as a fear-inducing "capital" best of war -- even at great risk!
  • Known Information: Fighting a Giganotosaurus directly is never a good idea, as its rage rapidly grows with every hit it takes. With this rage, it builds increasing reserves of energy to use, making its iron-jawed bites progressively more deadly and enhancing its stamina. Add to this the fact that its huge body enables it to take a tremendous amount of punishment, and you have a creature that is generally better avoided or outsmarted than attacked head-on.


  • Raw Meat
  • Raw Prime Meat
  • Hide

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Unofficial “official server” forums

The idea here is simple: Instead of desperately trying to get your post seen on reddit or on Steam on a decentral place, wouldn’t it be better if there was a forum for every official server that the community playing on there could use to chat and exchange informations? That way no one needs to see posts that are not relevant for him or her, while anyone can find posts pertaining to a specific server easily. That’s why we’ve created the unofficial offical server forums.

We think that this will help to encourage community-building even on official servers, and (for example) give the server population a better chance to organize. Additionally, we’ve created a dynmap for each server, which is accessable from within the forum.

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 195.1 – Patchnotes

These are the changes of ARK: Survival Evolved’s Patch 195.1, grouped into categories for clarity. If not otherwise indicated, they’re quoted from the relevant Steam Thread.

Dino Changes

  • Alpha predators no longer damage metal structures, only stone structures as intended.
  • Can no longer pick up Alpha Raptors using flyers.
  • Alpha predators now consume corpses properly.
  • Alpha predators attacks no longer damage riders directly. (now is consistent with regular dino attacks)

(Original Announcement on Steam)

Here are the patchnotes of the previous patch (195.0)

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 195.0 – Patchnotes

These are the changes of ARK: Survival Evolved’s Patch 195.0, grouped into categories for clarity. If not otherwise indicated, they’re quoted from the relevant Steam Thread.


  • Fixed the networking of new-character configuration to the server. Sadly, this required a new Major version update as it is a networking signature change 😛

(Original Announcement on Steam)

Here are the patchnotes of the previous patch (194.0)

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 194.0 – Patchnotes

These are the changes of ARK: Survival Evolved’s Patch 194.0, grouped into categories for clarity. If not otherwise indicated, they’re quoted from the relevant Steam Thread.

Official Servers

  • Moving most servers to new faster host! Better official server framerates, woot!

Dino Changes

  • Only Female Dinos lay eggs now 😉
  • You can no longer mount a dino if you’re snared in a Bear Trap
  • Alpha predators now give 4x the regular amount of resources and nothing but prime meat!
  • Added Alpha versions of Carnotaurus and Utahraptor — they buff less than the Alpha Rex, however.
  • Picking up your own Tamed Dinos’ eggs no longer aggros Wild Dinos of that species 😉
  • Titanboa now has damage overlay
  • Sarco tail has proper IK [Inverse Kinematics -Ed] again

Game Changes

  • Activating the Flare Gun when riding a Dino will now automatically shoot the Flare upwards
  • Your selected Survivor Spawn Region is now remembered when reconnecting your client
  • Barricades (Metal and Wooden) can now be painted
  • You can now eat/drink when caught in a Bear Trap
  • Can no longer ride a dino that is snared in a Bear Trap… gotta free it first.
  • You can no longer mount a dino if you’re snared in a Bear Trap

Server Features

  • Server Admins can now disable Taming on a per-Dino basis via their config
  • PvE server admins can now enable building in Caves via their config
  • New Server’s “GameUserSettings.ini” values:


  • And in Server’s “Game.ini”, to prevent Taming of specific Dino’s:

    . [You can find those ID’s on our List of Dinosaurs, -Ed]


  • Fix for bodies sinking into floors upon reconnecting/reloading
  • Fix for one last case of possibly erroneously entering Spectator mode
  • Harvested resources now properly respawn in singleplayer/non-dedicated host!

(Original Announcement on Steam)

Here are the patchnotes of the previous patch (193.1)

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 193.1 – Patchnotes

These are the changes of ARK: Survival Evolved’s Patch 193.1, grouped into categories for clarity. If not otherwise indicated, they’re quoted from the relevant Steam Thread.


  • Fixed an issue where clients might sometimes not get the Spawn menu if dying very soon after connecting to an online session. Servers do not need to update to get this fix, is purely a client-side change.

(Original Announcement on Steam)

Here are the patchnotes of the previous patch (193.0)

Dino Dossier: Dungbeetle

Todays new dino dossier announces the dungbeetle. It's made out to be the perfect pet for every tribe, since it produces high-quality oil from human wastes. This allows tribes that don't feel drawn towards underwater oil sources to operate their machinery anyways.

Common Name: Dung Beetle
Species: Scarabidae Gigas
Time: Holocene
Diet: Coprophagic
Temperament: Passive
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: No
  • Wild:What magic created the scarabidae gigas, I cannot say. What I can say is that this creature is a perfect symbiont for advanced human tribes.
  • Domesticated:Scarabidae makes me think humans have been on the island for a long time. Why else would a creature evolve to be such a perfect pet? Most tribes jealously protect their scarabidae, whom are handily tamed with the skilled use of some well-handled feces. These wondrous little organic biofactories are truly a sustainable, green, eco-friendly source of resources for living off the land. Oil becomes gas, which is generator fuel. Fertilizer means crops, which is human fuel. The scarabidae can power all aspects of island life!
  • Known Information:Coprophagic, it eats mostly useless waste (feces). It metabolizes this waste into a more refined waste product, along with an oily byproduct. The oily byproduct is chemically the same as the oil found in the oceans around the island. Somehow, scarabidae converts feces into oil. If that wasn't reason enough to worship the scarabidae, the refined waste product is almost identical to fertilizer from a compost bin.


  • Raw Meat
  • Chitin

Base Stats and Calculator

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Check DungBeetle in Taming Calculator


ARK Survival Evolved Gamescom 2015 Trailer

Check out this new trailer that was published on the occasion of the Gamescom 2015. Among other things it features the charming upcoming snow biome.


Other content in the video should come as no surprise to the advanced survivor. Many of the new dinos that were introduced since the last trailer are featured, such as the Spinosaurus. We see an epic fortress precariously built on a cliff, as well as several large battles.

Dino Dossier: Direwolf (Canis Maxdirus)

Common Name: Direwolf
Species: Canis Maxdirus
Time: Pleistocene
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Aggressive
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: Yes
  • Wild: The best adjective to describe Canis Maxdirus is "scary". This pack-hunter is a cunning and brutal predator, capable of taking down prey of nearly any size. In addition to being a vicious hunter, it is the size of a small horse, meaning even the largest predators aren't necessarily safe from the packs.
  • Domesticated: Obviously, Canis is an amazing battle mount. It is fairly fast, very strong, and agile. It can jump almost as well as the Island's battle cats. Riding a supercharged "Alpha" Canis into battle at the head of a bloodthirsty pack is a thrill for which most warriors would gladly proclaim: "Today is a good day to die!"
  • Known Information: The species has an incredible affinity for teamwork. Unlike most creatures on the island, Canis is a dedicated pack hunter, and rarely hunts alone. In fact, Canis is naturally as effective with its packmates as most creatures are when their mate is in danger--when in a pack, they are naturally spurred to fight for their lives. Furthermore, when in a pack, the most experienced Canis will be designated "Alpha" and gain an even stronger enhancement.


  • Raw Meat
  • Hide

Base Stats and Calculator

Level Base + Lvl =

Check Direwolf in Taming Calculator

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 193.0 – Patchnotes

New Elements

  • New Items: Small and Large Bear Traps, for locking players and dinos in their tracks!
  • New Structure: Stone Behemoth Gate
  • New rare “Alpha” T-Rex can be found that is bigger and meaner than the regular T-Rex with distinct color schema, gives a unique cosmetic (and a ton of XP and resources) if you defeat it. It also buffs the resistance and damage of nearby carnis around it due to its Alpha-pack dominating status. You can’t tame it… yet… but we’d like feedback on whether the community would be interested in more of this direction.

Gameplay changes


  • Tamed Dinos now lay Eggs over time without having to leave them alone i.e. they now do it in real-time and you can watch them… o_O
  • Dealt with the Trilobites’ resources: they now clamp resource harvest amounts (no overdamage.. we need to ween off that , they only yield pearls and oil rarely, and they are significantly less common in the shallows.
  • More dino blood overlays, & option to disable Dino blood overlays
  • Stone harvesting settings are back at +75%. An underlying change with the harvesting system had inadvertently affected them, thanks for the reports



  • You can no longer damage Tamed dinos thru Walls/Structures (prevents cheaping out people’s dinos from outside their bases)
  • Fixed bug where clients sometimes couldn’t see the equipped items/saddles on characters
  • Aquatic dinos swimming against water surface is now perfectly smooth, doesn’t result in a hard-stop of your character anymore.
  • Added the rest of the Dino Damage overlays
  • Canteens are no longer consumed when making soups

Server changes

  • Misc Spectator mode improvements (alphabetical player list, no longer considered “idle” for kicking, fixed sometimes getting into spectator mode when not desired, etc)
  • New Tribe Governance Option for Structures: Tribe Owned, Admin-Only Demolish
  • You can now properly enter spectator mode after dying without getting stuck at a black screen
  • Fixed various server crashes
  • Dedicated servers can now optionally load custom maps via ModID diectly , rather than having to specify the map name directly, using this syntax:
    • ShooterGameServer.exe -MapModID=485317707?GameModIds=487516323,487516324, 487516325



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