Author: Krim

Dino Dossier: Ichthy

Common Name: Ichthy
Species: Ichthyosaurus curiosa
Time: Late Triassic - Early Jurassic
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Curious
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: Yes
Saddle: Ichthyosaurus Saddle (Lvl. 10)
Command: admincheat summon Dolphin_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Ichthyosaurus curiosa is a comparatively small carnivore found in the waters around the island. It is slightly larger than a human, but that’s still small compared to the leviathans roaming these waters. It seems to be very interested in any creature around its size, often approaching and following humans swimming through its waters.
  • Domesticated: I can’t think of a better mount for someone starting to explore the island’s seas and waterways. Ichthyosaurus is comparatively fast swimmer, and even in the wild will cozy right up to you and try to figure out what you’re doing. Taming these is actually pretty easy, as they seem to love humans and will be fed and tamed without the use of violence.
  • Known Information: Despite its appearance, the Ichthyosaurus is neither a fish nor an ocean mammal. Like many creatures in the waters around the island, it is actually an aquatic reptile.


  • Raw Meat

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Dino Dossier: Meganeura (Dragonfly)

Common Name: Dragonfly
Species: Meganeura quatpenna
Time: Late Carboniferous
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Docile
Tameable: No
Rideable: No
Command: admincheat summon Dragonfly_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Meganeura quatpenna is an especially large species of dragonfly. Actually, it is a type of griffinfly, an extinct species of invertebrate that looked similar to dragonflies. Like most griffinflies, Meganeura is carnivorous, but it is typically not aggressive towards humans unless provoked or challenged for food. It lives primarily in the wetter, heavily wooded areas, such as the jungles. Meganeura is a natural predator of most of the smaller insects on the island.
  • Known Information: Though not often aggressive, Meganeura will not turn down a free meal. They quickly appear in large numbers to scavenge off the victims of Pulmonoscorpius, rendered unconscious and unable to defend themselves. Of course the insects do have to avoid the Pulmonoscorpius itself. I have noticed it is unwise to disturb a flock of feeding Meganeura. The size of the insects on the island confounds me. The way these creatures diffuse oxygen should limit their size but Meganeura (and other bugs) seem to be able to advance beyond this restraint. If there is more oxygen in the air this could explain Meganeura's growth.


  • Chitin

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Dino Dossier: Dodo

Common Name: Dodo
Species: Raphus replicare
Time: Late Holocene
Diet: Herbivore
Temperament: Oblivious
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: No
Command: admincheat summon Dodo_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Raphus replicare (more commonly known as the Dodo Bird) is quite possibly the dumbest creature I've ever seen in my life. It wanders around the beaches of the island, eating berries off bushes and being eaten by all manner of carnivore. Without the Dodo the whole Island's food chain would disintegrate.
  • Domesticated: There is almost no reason to domesticate a Raphus replicare. It cannot carry enough to be a beast of burden, it does not provide much food, and it's too stupid to show companionship. I suppose it could work as a last-ditch food source, though.
  • Known Information: This subspecies of the Dodo has developed an unbelievably clever way to sustain itself: they mate constantly. I'm fairly convinced that they reach full maturity within a week of being born. This is the only trait keeping them populous on the island.


  • Raw Meat
  • Hide

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Dino Dossier: Dilophosaur

Common Name: Dilophosaur
Species: Dilophosaurus sputatrix
Time: Early Jurassic
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Skittish
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: No
Command: admincheat summon Dilo_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Dilophosaurus sputatrix is a strange creature. It stands at just over half the size of known Dilophosaurs, and runs from aggressors as often as it fights them.
  • Domesticated: Because of their shrill cry and their ability to attack intruders from range, Dilophosaurus seem most suited as "guard dogs". Due to their small size, they are not suitable as mounts.
  • Known Information: Dilophosaurus sputatrix has a few traits not common in the Dilophosaurus genus. It has a very shrill call, and a decorative ridge of skin on its neck. I believe these are used to attract mates, as well as intimidate prey and would-be predators. Instead of attacking its prey outright, Dilophosaurus sputatrix spits venom to weaken and paralyze it before moving in for the kill.


  • Raw Meat
  • Hide

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Dino Dossier: Coel – Fish

Common Name: Coelacanth
Species: Coelacanth nutritia
Time: Cretaceous-Holocene
Diet: Omnivore
Temperament: Reactive
Tameable: No
Command: admincheat summon Coel_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Coelacanth nutritia is one of the few creatures on the island with a relative that can be found back home. The Coelacanth lives in the waters around the island, as well as the rivers and lakes within the island. Unlike most Coelacanth, Coelacanth nutritia meat contains less oil and urea. In fact, it is one of the healthier sources of meat on the island.
  • Domesticated: While Coelacanths cannot be tamed the way most creatures on the island can, they provide a possible source of meat for coastal tribes that have the time to catch them.
  • Known Information: Most Coelacanths are opportunistic feeders that eat anything smaller that itself, likely including baby water snakes, insect and plant life, and perhaps each other?


  • 3-5x Raw Meat

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Dino Dossier: Carnotaurus

Common Name: Carnotaurus
Species: Carnotaurus pressor
Time: Late Cretaceous
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Aggressive
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: Yes
Saddle: Carno Saddle (Lvl. 50)
Command: admincheat summon Carno_Character_BP_C
Alphacommand: admincheat summon MegaCarno_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Carnotaurus pressor is an interesting creature that falls between medium and large predator. It lives primarily on flat clear ground, where it can capitalize on its speed. Additionally, it seems to have no qualms about running from larger predators instead of fighting.
  • Domesticated: Carnotaurus fills a very specific role. Larger and almost as fast as a Raptor, smaller but much faster than a Tyrannosaurus.
  • Known Information: The horns of the Carnotaurus seem to be used more for fighting rival Carnotauri (Carnotauruses?) than actual hunting. This doesn't mean the horns aren't dangerous, though; they can still eviscerate larger prey. Carnotaurus is one of the smaller and more compact of the large predators. If Tyrannosaurus is the "Lion" of the island, Carnotaurus would certainly be the "cheetah". The real threat of a Carnotaurus is not being able to escape it once it sees you. Were it not for the creature's extremely long down-time after sprinting, it might be among the most capably balanced mounts.


  • Raw Meat
  • Raw Prime Meat
  • Kreatin
  • Hide

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Dino Dossier: Carbonemys – Turtle

Common Name: Carbonemys
Species: Carbonemys obibimus
Time: Danian
Diet: Herbivore
Temperament: Defensive
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: Yes
Saddle: Carbonemys Saddle (Lvl 25.)
Command: admincheat summon Turtle_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Carbonemys obibimus is one of the least aggressive creatures on the island. Were it not for the plethora of predators on the island, I'm certain it would spend its days basking in the sun, eating, or sleeping. Carbonemys leads a simple, solitary life. It seems to be one of the most peaceful animals I have yet encountered.
  • Domesticated: Carbonemys ' swift swim rate, fairly high strength, and lack of real threat makes it an ideal aquatic mount for many coastal survivors who shy away from violence. It can carry its rider to the ocean's resources at a fairly high speed, and are not particularly dangerous to tame.
  • Known Information: With its slow walking speed, the only things that keep it safe are its surprisingly fast swim speed, and its incredibly thick shell. I would not be surprised to see a Carbonemys withdraw entirely into its shell and be completely safe from most predators.


  • Raw Meat
  • Kreatin
  • Hide

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Dino Dossier: Brontosaurus

Common Name: Brontosaurus
Species: Brontosaurus lazarus
Time: Late Cretaceous
Diet: Herbivore
Temperament: Docile
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: Yes, by multiple
Saddle: Bronto Saddle (Lvl. 55)
Command: admincheat summon Sauropod_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Among the largest creatures I've seen on the island, Brontosaurus Lazarus is larger than any sauropod I've read about. In fact, the dinosaur is so massive that it ignores most other creatures.
  • Domesticated: Because of how docile it is, Brontosaurus makes the ideal pack-animal. Peaceful tribes use it to carry incredible quantities of resources, while warring tribes use it to mobilize their army. Unfortunately, its enormity means that most attempts to tame Brontosaurs can take longer than almost any other creature on the island.
  • Known Information: I've seen a pack of Raptors tear apart smaller Dinosaurs while Brontosaurus continues eating, seemingly oblivious to the hunting pack. The Brontosaurus is extremely protective of its eggs and will attack if provoked. However, some may think this is an Apatosaurus, Dreadnoughtus, Argentinosaurus, or other sauropod - but this is a strange island and I'm the one doing the research. I'm convinced that this genus is Brontosaurus and no one can tell me otherwise. My study, my rules.


  • Raw Meat
  • Raw Prime Meat
  • Hide
  • Sauropod Vertebra

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Dino Dossier: Bat

Common Name: Bat
Species: Onychonycteris specuncola
Time: Eocene
Diet: Omnivore
Temperament: Aggressive
Tameable: No
Rideable: No
Command: admincheat summon Bat_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Onychonycteris specuncola is one of the few omnivores I've seen on the island. They seem to live primarily off the mushrooms and moss within the caves, but they attack almost any non-insect on sight.
  • Domesticated: Not large enough to be used as mounts, and not strong enough to carry much, Onychonycteris still works well as a guard animal. Whether protecting a vacant home, or members of a tribe, their relatively vicious nature has its uses.
  • Known Information: They avoid Titanoboa whenever possible which leads me to believe the snake to be a natural predator of Onychonycteris. While flying in the dark caves would be difficult for any creature, Onychonycteris ability to use echolocation has allowed it to adapt perfectly. It can be found idly flying around the caves as often as it can be found hanging from bits of the cave ceilings.


  • Raw Meat
  • Hide

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Dino Dossier: Argentavis

Common Name: Argentavis
Species: Argentavis atrocollum
Time: Late Miocene
Diet: Carrion Feeder
Temperament: Aggressive
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: Yes
Saddle: Argentavis Saddle (Lvl. 55)
Command: admincheat summon Argent_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Lording over the skies across the island, Argentavis atrocollum has few aerial rivals. It is a small consolation for the island's other avian Creatures, then, that Argentavis seems to have little interest in anything alive. Although they are not interested in many animals, Argentavis will attack any human within sight making them an aerial threat to many humans with basic equipment.
  • Domesticated: Argentavis is actually slower than the far more common Pteranodon, but it has significantly more Stamina, and can sustain flight for approximately three times as long. This makes them the best Creatures on the island for traveling or hauling cargo over long distances.
  • Known Information: Quite apart from what I would have guessed, Argentavis does not have the stooped neck typical of modern buzzards and vultures. It is unknown if it adapted this stronger neck to deal with predators on the island, or if its lineage comes from before the stooped neck became common in carrion-eating birds. It is a highly aggressive creature, willing to chase players long distances for simply being within its vision.


  • Raw Meat
  • Raw Prime Meat
  • Argentavis Talon
  • Hide

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