Today a new dossier has been released… or has it? Unlike the other dossiers, this one doesn’t give any informations. Maybe it’s a tiny preview for the upcoming halloween. The dossier itself resembles the well feared dodosaurus rex, which has been rumored a few times and even got a fanmade dossier.
Category: Patchnotes
ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 215 – 215.4
215 New Carryable and Hawk-Style Throwable Dimorphodon (attacks whomever you throw it at 😉 Paraceratherium & accompanyingPlatformSaddle Wall-mounted paintable canvas Dev Kit: Mod authors can now custom-script their own new “Use Menu” options, with networking and saving of values, as well as override/remove any existing “Use Menu” options as they see fit. This will let […]
ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 214.2 & 214.3 & 214.4
214.2 Changes Ballista damage vs stone structures reduced by 40% Singleplayer Ballista Bolts now only give you 1 bolt PvP Respawn timer is not used anymore in PvE games or in singleplayer mode Fixes Unversioned Hotfix: Fixed a server crash: “ShooterGameServer.exe!UObjectPropertyBase::Identical()” Ballistas now do no damage at all to Auto Turrets Fixed aquatic creatures getting […]
ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 214
New New Feature: Custom Inventory Folders, on any Inventory. ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE! <3 New Structures: Powered Elevator Structures New Structures: Controllable Primitive Harpoon Ballista to place on structures and on the backs of your dinos (which damage stone structures at primitive tech level!) New Item: Plesiosaurus Platform Saddle! It’s time to build your […]
ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 213.1
Changes Can now summon Broodmother Tribute again Official servers switched to Raw UDP sockets for increased performance Fixes Fixed wrong-rotated Flyers (upside down etc) Fixed endlessly running-in-place dinos Fixed dinos and players falling through ground on Low-Memory mode Fixed (it seems) disappearing Monkeys Here are the previous Patchnotes (213)
ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 213
New Option for server hosts to use direct UDP socket connections rather than Steam P2P, for significantly increased server network performance and stability! To enable direct UDP sockets mode on your dedicated server (for slightly increased networking performance & more optimized bandwidth utilization and potentially better long-term stability), use commandline option “?bRawSockets” (on Windows or […]
ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 211 & 212 & 212.1
New Added a [ServerSettings] server option “?PerPlatformMaxStructuresMultiplier=1.0” that can be used to increase the limit of structures on dynamic platforms. Beware, increasing this value could affect server performance! Changes Structures placed on dynamic platforms (Saddle/Raft) no longer have a “Max Height Above World” limit (i.e. allows building on Rafts over deep sea). Switching to direct […]
ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 210.1 & 210.2 & 210.3
Fixes 210.1 Fixed a painting crash Fixed a crash loading certain savegames (“Raptor Animation” crash) 210.2 Fixed a case where Raft structures could get loaded rotated ‘incorrectly’. (server-side fix) 210.3 Fixed (client-side) Dinos appearing to fall through Structures Here is the previous Patchnote (210)
ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 210
Fixes Fixed Dinos getting detached and warped when riding on bronto platform saddles / rafts (i.e. disappearing Dinos), and some visual issues on clients Fixed some bugs with painting (striped tigers, and some dye stacks not getting used), and loading painting templates is now about 10x faster Reduced some network bandwidth usage Fixed scale of […]
ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 209.3 & 209.4
Fixes Client-side Fix for invisible players on ladder Dinos & Players can no longer get pushed/dragge through structures / fall-through when on moving platforms (Rafts/Bronto Saddles etc) Player Data and Tribe Data are automatically backed-up and restored to avoid potential for corruption. You can no longer upload and download Dragons via the Obelisk 😉 Raft […]