If you want to host a dedicated server with procedually generated maps, you’ll have to modify a small configuration file with the required parameters.
The actual PGARK configuration is stored in your \Saved\Config\Windows (or WindowsServer or LinuxServer etc)\Game.ini file. You have multiple parameters:
[/Script/ShooterGame.ShooterGameMode] PGMapName=YourPGARK1 PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=412; LandscapeRadius=1.2; Water Frequency=11; Mountains Frequency=11; Mountains Slope=1.4; MountainsHeight=1.3; Turbulence Power=0.0125; Shore Slope=1.0; WaterLevel=-0.72; GrassDensity=1.0; JungleGrassDensity=0.02; ErosionIterations=200000; OceanFloorLevel=-1.0; SnowBiomeSize=0.3; RWBiomeSize=0.11; MountainBiomeStart=-0.55; MountainsTreeDensity=0.01; JungleBiomeStart=-0.65; IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0; MaxSawnPointHeight=0.1; SnowGrassDensity=0.25; MountainGrassDensity=0.05; SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15; UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.5; SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.01; TreeDensity=0.003; JungleTreeDensity=0.66; RedWoodTreeDensity=0.35; SnowTreeDensity=1.0; RedwoodGrassDensity=0.1; ShoreTreeDensity=0.05; SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.025; DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24; InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5; ShorelineStartOffset=0.04; ShorelineThickness=0.0045; TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f); SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.2f,Y=0.2f); RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f); NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f); NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f); NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f); NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f); NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f); NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f); SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f); SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f); SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f); SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f); SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f); SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f); EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f); EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f); EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f); EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f); EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f); EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f); WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f); WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f); WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f); WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f); WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f); WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f)
After you configure an ARK to your liking in singleplayer mode, copy the values to your dedicated server’s Game.ini file, and then host the server on the map called “PGARK” (ala “ShooterGameServer.exe PGARK?listen”. The server will automatically load whatever PGMapName you have set. So if you want to do a different Procedural ARK, change the PGMapName value to “YourPGARK2” and you’ll get a different savedata for that. You can revert back to any previous PGMapName to load the data of a previously saved PGARK. Note that if you have no existing save data for the PGMapName, it will use the PGTerrainPropertiesString to create the new ARK. But after you have save data for a PGMapName, the INI’s PGTerrainPropertiesString will not take effect when loading that save data — instead, it will use whatever procedural settings are contained within the PGMapName’s existing savedata. In other words, to try out a new PGTerrainPropertiesString configuration, you either would need to delete your PGMapName’s savedata, or use a different PGMapName.
To get a PGARK configuration that you like, we recommend experimenting in singleplayer through the in-game UI, and then once you have settings you’re happy with, copy the PGTerrainPropertiesString from your Windows\Game.ini into your dedicated server’s WindowsServer\Game.ini (into the [/Script/ShooterGame.ShooterGameMode] section as described above). Then, as long as you’re hosting a new PGMapName, those settings will take effect just as they were in your singleplayer game!