Dino Dossier: Ravager

Common Name Ravager
Species Canis barghest
Time Unknown
Diet Carnivore
Temperament Aggressive
Tameable Yes
Rideable Yes
Command  admincheat summon CaveWolf_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Anywhere else, Canis Barghest's powerful muscles, wicked claws, and fearsome countenance would put it near the top of the food chain. Yet in these caves, this common, lupine predator resides somewhere in the middle.

  • Domesticated: The strong legs of the Canis Barghest make it an effective mount for many survivors, particularly for long distance travel. While other creatures outshine it when it comes to bursts of speed, its stamina and ability to climb across both natural vines and artificial ziplines makes it a highly versatile travelling companion.

  • Known Information: That said, it is an intelligent hunter with an exceptional ability to adapt. For example, it has learned to utilize the zip lines that survivors have built as a means of travel, all on its own. Remarkable!


  • Raw Meat
  • Hide
  • Nameless Venom

Base Stats and Calculator

Level Base + Lvl =
No Data

Check Ravager in Taming Calculator

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 275.34

  • Fixed graphical issue when running with -norhithread (stability mode for certain graphics cards configurations)
  • Fixed crash when taking Super Resolution screenshots with Ansel

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 275.31 & 275.32 & 275.33


Requires Server Update

  • Fixed Linux client crash
  • Fixed server language crash
  • Fixed Mod class replacement priority (Dino replacements etc)
  • Reduced Cavewolf damage by approximately 40%
  • Increased Wild Basilisk HP by 50%
  • Increased Wild Reaper King Damages by 300%
  • Made Aqua Shroom properly restore Water stat
  • Added Nameless to certain areas of Biolum Chamber where they were missing
  • Removed Piranhas from starting-area pool
  • Fixed case where Aberration Endboss sometimes wouldn’t appear on clients, also fixed similar issue with Ragnarok Endbosses.


  • Aberration Dinos can now be properly downloaded on ARKs other than Aberration. Requires Server Update.


  • Fix for Sarcos spawning in noob pool
  • Wild non-alpha Reaper Kings no longer grant XP
  • Platform switch collision is improved to allow you to easily directly climb onto it with an ladder attached to the elevator track
  • Wood elevator platform weight limit increased
  • Wood elevator can now be lifted while it’s falling to stop it, and (once client update it posted) you can now repeatedly click the lift command without having to re-open the action wheel
  • Remaining fix for Mod Class replacements
  • Postprocessing Error fix
  • Players who are getting D3D Device Lost Error should try running with “-norhithread” in launch arguments. If that resolves the problem, we’ll be able to implement an automatic fix in next update.

Dino Dossier: Nameless

Common Name Nameless
Species Unknown
Time Unknown
Diet Carnivore
Temperament Aggressive
Tameable No
Rideable No
Command  admincheat summon Chupacabra_Character_BP_C
  • Wild:  The origins of the Nameless remain a mystery, but wherever they came from, these vicious creatures are nothing to scoff at, as they are rarely found alone. Common Nameless act in a subservient role to their pack's alpha, and will quickly heed its call to battle.

  • Domesticated: Though savage in nature, the Nameless are deceptively intelligent. When hurt, they burrow underground to recover and protect themselves from further damage. Fortunately, they are highly susceptible to damage and burns from charge based light sources, and exploiting this weakness can save a survivor's life.

  • Known Information: All attempts to pacify a Nameless have failed. Each one has an extremely powerful bond with its pack leader, and for survivors, it might as well be unbreakable.


  • Raw Meat
  • Hide
  • Nameless Venom

Base Stats and Calculator

Level Base + Lvl =
No Data

Check Nameless in Taming Calculator

Dino Dossier: Roll Rat

Common Name Roll Rat
Species Heterocephalus Magnus
Time Holocene
Diet Herbivore
Temperament Passive
Tameable Yes
Rideable Yes
Command  admincheat summon MoleRat_Character_BP_C
  • Wild:  Bearing a strong resemblance to its relative, the Naked Mole Rat, Heterocephalus Magnus is a gentle giant that digs for plants and fungi with its imposing front teeth. While foraging, it often uncovers precious resources inadvertently, but survivors should claim them with caution, as this triggers an aggressive response.

  • Domesticated: While hardly a ferocious war beast, Heterocephalus is an effective transport that can carry up to three passengers. In theory, it could also be siege weapon, as its rolling attack can dent even metal. Fortunately, most survivors use a special saddle that deploys a protective canopy when it starts spinning, which not only keeps them from getting squished, but provides extra protection to the rider and mount alike. 

  • Known Information: When threatened, Heterocephalus rolls up into a ball to shield itself with the armored plates on its back, much like an armadillo. It then rolls around like an oversized bowling ball, smashing through rocks, walls, and hopefully its aggressor.


  • Raw Meat
  • Hide
  • Keratin

Base Stats and Calculator

Level Base + Lvl =

Check Roll Rat in Taming Calculator

Dino Dossier: Lamprey

Common Name Lamprey
Species Xenomyzon luminosus
Time Holocene
Diet Carnivore
Temperament Aggressive
Tameable No
Rideable No
  • WildXenomycon Luminosus is one of the most poisonous aquatic species I've ever encountered. While its trademark glowing tail makes it easy to spot and identify, those luminescent glands are also where it products and stores a debilitating poison.

  • Domesticated: While Xenomycon cannot be brought to heel, some survivors have stored them in fish baskets for other uses. This keeps the subject alive and contained, but not properly tamed.

  • Known Information: Xenomycon has developed a particular fondness for blood, and whenever possible, it will attempt to latch onto human subjects. Once it does, it will inject a poison for which there are only two cures: A specialized antidote or time. I would not recommend the latter.


  • Raw Meat
  • Chitin
  • Oil
  • Leech Blood
  • Silica Pearls

Base Stats and Calculator

Level Base + Lvl =
No Data

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Dino Dossier: Karkinos

Common Name Karkinos
Species Karkinos versatus
Time Unknown
Diet Omnivore
Temperament Aggressive
Tameable Yes
Rideable Yes
  • WildKarkinos Versatus is the giant cousin of modern crab species, with long, spindly limbs that remind me of the Japanese Spider Crab and a hard, stony shell. It is much more agile than its smaller brethren, but even more noticeable are its pincer claws.

  • Domesticated: Many survivors have found Karkinos to be an excellent war steed, as it can snatch enemy riders from their mounts, or grab and throw smaller creatures. However, its ability to leap to great heights and its swiftness relative to its size also make it useful in caravans.

  • Known Information: In an extraordinary display of dexterity, Karkinos is able to wield each claw independently and precisely. This allows it to trap multiple targets in its vice like grip, or hold an enemy in one claw while it smashes a second foe with the other.


  • Raw Meat
  • Chitin
  • Organic Polymer

Base Stats and Calculator

Level Base + Lvl =
No Data

Check Karkinos in Taming Calculator

Dino Dossier: Glowtail

Common Name Glowtail
Species Microluminis Psykhe
Time Unknown
Diet Herbivore
Temperament Passive
Tameable Yes
Rideable No
  • Wild:  With a body reminiscent of a gecko, fluttery wings and a natural stockpile of charge light, Microluminis Psykhe has an unearthly, if oddly charming appearance. A curious creature by nature, it always gave me the impression that it was studying me as much as I was studying it.

  • Domesticated: As a pet, Microluminis Psykhe is happy to clamber up a survivor's shoulder and cling to it as though it never wants to leave. Evenly tempered and easy to care for after being tamed, it is a stalwart companion and an excellent source of charge light.

  • Known Information: A favourite snack of many predators, this small lizard has no natural poisons, or any means of defending itself at all save for a swift retreat and its charge light. Survivors can approach it without fear.


  • Raw Meat
  • Hide

Base Stats and Calculator

Level Base + Lvl =
No Data

Check Glowtail in Taming Calculator

Dino Dossier: Glowbug

Common Name Glowbug
Species Lampyridae Sublimis
Time Miocene
Diet Unknown
Temperament Passive
Tameable No
Rideable No
  • Wild:  A giant relative to the modern firefly, Lampyridae Sublimis bioluminescence can be sight to behold. Unfortunately for these multicolored insects, its predators are less interested in their natural beauty, and more keen on obtaining the charge light they store in their posterior sack.

  • Domesticated: Unfortunately, Lampyridae lacks the intelligence to be tamed, so attempts to create "glowbug farms" for charge light have been unsuccessful thus far. Glowbug hunts, on the other hand, are a frequent survivor past time

  • Known Information: With a slow flight speed and little in the way of natural defenses, Lampyridae is this cave system's resident victim, as predators and survivors alike hunt them down in search of that precious resource.


  • Raw Meat
  • Raw Prime Meat
  • Chitin
  • Cementing Paste

Base Stats and Calculator

Level Base + Lvl =
No Data

Check Glowbug in Taming Calculator

Dino Dossier: Featherlight

Common NameFeatherlight
Microluminis Alectryon

A floating beacon of light often found in the deepest pits of these caverns, Microluminus Alectryon's appearance can seem almost heavenly. It's colorful plumage doesn't hurt either. Even without the charged light it emits, it would give any modern bird on Earth a run for its money in terms of pure spectacle.


Microluminus Alectryon's ability to fly and the ease with which it perches upon a survivor's shoulder has made it a favored pet among many. Some consider it the most refined of its glowing brethren, but I think they just want them to look like pirate. Not that I blame them...

Known Information
Although its feathery eyebrows might give one of the impression that it is related to owls, it is not a bird of prey. It is entirely docile, and shows no aggression towards survivors or other creatures.


Raw Meat

Base Stats and Calculator

<phs?name:=Basilisk> <phs?hp:=HP> <phs?stamina:=Stamina> <phs?oxygen:=Oxygen> <phs?food:=Food> <phs?weight:=Weight> <phs?melee:=Melee> <phs?speed:=Speed> <phs?topor:=Topor> <phi?dinoinfo.php>
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