ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 271.2 & 271.21
- Increased Ragnarok Boss Arena max time to 40 minutes (Requires Server Update.)
Fixes & Improvements
- Fixed a method that was being used to push characters underneath the ground (Requires Server Update.)
- Fixed Fertilizer getting durability reset when using Deposit Action (Requires Server Update.)
- Fixed a server loading crash that some mod-users were seeing (Requires Server Update.)
- Fixed remote keypads not working properly on certain legacy servers.
- Fixed impact decals that were not rendering.
ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 271.17
- Fixed an spawn issue with Ragnarok Golems
- Changed TekLight structure settings to use “Tek Tier” properties (damage resistances)
Mysterious Mysteries: Introducing ???????
Can you guess which creature is hiding here?
ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 271.15 & 271.16
- Further improved performance of ?bRawSockets servers by eliminating threading “critical sections”
- Added -nonetthreading option for bRawSockets servers to only utilize a single thread for networking (useful to improve performance for machines with more servers than cpu cores, on Linux in particular)
- Fixed an spawn issue with Ragnarok Golems
- Changed TekLight structure settings to use “Tek Tier” properties (damage resistances)
ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 271.0 & 271.1
- Game.ini [ShooterGameMode] bUseTameLimitForStructuresOnly config option, which if true will make Tame Units only be applied and used for Platforms with Structures and Rafts. Defaults false. Tame Units on Non-Legacy Official PvP now have this true (thus in effect disabling Tame Units for Dinos without Platform Structures).
- ?bRawSockets server option now has correct performance (server stalls eliminated), as good or better than Steam sockets
- Fixed some boss exploits.
- Baby Bone Scalings & Gestation Setups now stack from Mods, and Dino Entry Icon now stack from Mods.
- Fixed client side dino initialization crash.
- Fixed with issue with local events on client.
Mysterious Mysteries: Introducing ????????
Can you guess which beast it is?
ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 270.1
- Client: Fixed Tek Armor clipping into view when using Tek Sword
- Client: RMB should no longer activate the “charge” attack of the Tek Sword & Gloves when cancelling structure placement
- Client: In the Inventory Menu, Shift+HotkeySlotBinding while hovering over an item will equip it into that HotKey Slot #. Control+HotKeySlotBinding will remove the item from the corresponding HotKey Slot (putting it back into your regular Inventory).
ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 270.0
- New Weapon: Tek Sword (Charge-Attack and damages Metal & significantly pierces Armor when powered by Element)
- New Armor: Tek Shield (Reflects incoming projectiles/bullets when powered by Element)
- New Structure: Tek Light (Attaches to any surface and can be either independently powered by Element Shards in its Inventory, or traditionally powered via generators)
Fixes & Improvements
- Fixed issue where clients would sometimes become disconnected after demolishing/destroying structures
- TrueSky memory usage fix
ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 269.1 & 269.2
- Client-side update to fix “Direct3D Device Lost” errors.
- Reduced Flamethrower Damage from base 100 per second to 30 per second.
- Flamethrower Direct Damage is now affected by Armour.
- Flamethrower expensive foliage particle effects now eliminated for everyone except the local player using the weapon
- Chainsaw not able to attack whilst running
- Tripled the effective “ammo” of TEK armours, so they last 3x as long per element
- Shield blocks should block whip stuns/item drops (and trigger the cooldown), and whip stun on players reduced to 1 second.
- Implemented a new value to reduce indirect torpor (Gas grenades, tranq).
- Chitin, Metal, Riot, and TEK Armours now reduce incoming torpor.
- Chitin:
- Direct Torpor Armor Mult: 0.07 (Was 0)
- Indirect Torpor Armor Mult: 0.035 (Was 0)
- Metal:
- Direct Torpor Armor Mult: 0.15 (Was 0)
- Indirect Torpor Armor Mult: 0.06 (Was 0)
- Riot:
- Direct Torpor Armor Mult: 0.25 (Was 0.25)
- Indirect Torpor Armor Mult: 0.12 (Was 0)
- Tek (remember there are no Tek qualities):
- Direct Torpor Armor Mult: 0.7 (Was 0)
- Indirect Torpor Armor Mult: 0.7 (Was 0)
- Chitin:
Fixes & Improvements
- Fixed a bug where in the event of a rollback, players who recently used the CrossARK transfer system could lose their characters.
- Fixed the bear trap to avoid turret exploit. Bear traps only damageable by explosion now (or demolishing)