25% more Map – a whole new area with a lot to see and to explore -flat land to build, tempel ruins, free range cove to rule over for the Wyverns, meteor crash site and a lot more!
New Server Option: Force Respawn of Wild Dinos on Server Restart! Enabled by default on official servers, this will force weekly respawns of dinos on all servers to prevent certain dino types (like the Basilo and Spino) from becoming depopulated on long running servers. (?ServerAutoForceRespawnWildDinosInterval=SECONDS). Note in some cases this may not work more than once, we may have solved the case but we’re looking into it .
New Server Option: Tribe Size and Alliance Size Limits! The new tribe member limit is defaulted to 70 players and the new alliance per tribe limit is defaulted to 10 on official servers (MaxAlliancesPerTribe=# and MaxTribesPerAlliance=# in Game.ini). Note: Values may be off by 1 (looking into it!), so just pick your number and then add 1 to it.
1/4 sized Ragnarok map update (the “Southwest Update”)
Platform Saddles are now limited to maximum 40 saddles per tribe. Each platform saddle (with structures) counts as 19 tribe tame slots (?PersonalTamedDinosSaddleStructureCost=19 & ?MaxPersonalTamedDinos=40).
Players can now escape being grappled by any enemy by using tools with blades to “cut” the line.
Turrets now have a Players Only mode which targets players riding on dinos before targetting the dino.
Crops can now be fertilized be pressing E on them instead of having to open the inventory.
Hatching and Gestation progress bars now include countdown timers as well as percentages.
Pump action shotgun pellets per shot increased from 10 to 12 (20% damage increase on full hit), initial spread decreased from 10 to 7.5, and max cone size at full range decreased from 100 to 75 degrees.
Decreased the stun on humans from shocking tranq darts from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.
Fixes & Improvements
Huge perf gains, may vary based on system configuration due to upgrading to the latest Unreal Rendering code. After changing your in game settings, be sure to restart your clients!
Eggs no longer fall through structures during rendering.
Baby Ovis should no longer fall through structures after being born.
The structure limit is now properly indicated to the player once the limit is reached.
Storage boxes now indicate if they are full without having to open them.
Corrected spelling of Pulminoscorpius.
Fixed 3 exploits used to get under the world map.
When structures or tames are deleted due to the PVE timer expiring it is now properly communicated in the tribe log.
Found along the Island’s many inland waterways, Lutra Peloso have become exceptionally adept at hunting and foraging. This species of Otter has to be particularly cunning because of its diminutive size, and fierce competition for its preferred food source: fish. It is not a creature that excels at combat, and would not naturally pose an intimidating threat to any predators.
There are few creatures which provide the companionship that Lutra Peloso does. Rather than traveling beside you, it would prefer to comfortably rest on your back, providing insulation. Once domesticated, it can be told to harvest fish on demand, with a specific goal in mind from the fish that it consumes, the Otter has a knack for foraging silica pearls, and can even yield a slight chance at finding black pearls within!
Known Informations:
Finding packs of river Otters is simple enough: They are distinguished by their elongated bodies, bushy tails, and webbed feet. Their trusting and inquisitive nature ensures they are often hunted for their lustrous fur, but many prefer to tame them to become trusted companions.