Preview Patch 257 – ETA 3rd May

New Stuff

  • TEK Cave
  • Volcano remodeled

You need to move your bases out of the Volcano Region, because there will be a huge update. The volcano will be actively remodeled! The affected areas will be shown with borders with the last client Patch.

and a lot more!


ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 256.6

  • Fixed issue with gun usage under high latency scenarios. Highly recommend servers upgrade to this version! And clients are required to have at least this version on Officials!

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 256.5 & 256.51


  • Fixed several cases where you could clip into world geometry
  • Fixed electric structures not remaining properly active within underwater bases (for any which used to be active but are no longer, please access their inventory or interact with them).


  • Fixed issue with teleporting when riding dinos. Highly recommend servers upgrade to this version!

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 256.35 – 256.44


  • When the inventory is closed HUD text is not displayed.
  • Item categories are no longer displayed in Q Mode.
  • Supply Drops, Obelisks, and TEK Transmitter no longer default to the Transfer Data Tab.


  • Added a sort state in the sort context menu.
  • An item is now darkened if it cannot be crafted in the owner’s inventory.
  • Context menu crafting options now correctly display in the event that an item cannot be crafted.
  • Craft Submenu is completely disabled if the inventory doesn’t allow crafting that item.
  • Fixed cases where the inventory would lose the shortcut key information.
  • Fixed weird behaviours whem moving items to parent folder, as well as changing folder view whilst inside folder.
  • The game now remembers whether you have selected the View Folders button on remote or local inventories.
  • Added a slight border to indicate if an item has been selected.
  • Repositioned the Egg Incubation bar to make it more visible.


  • Eggcellent Adventure. During this one-week-only experience, running through April 23, players can collect Special Bunny eggs from Mated Boosted Wild Dodos across the ARK. These eggs can be used in special recipies to craft bunny-themed items such as the Bunny Ears Headband or a Bunny Costume for the Procoptodon!


  • Major UI Rendering optimization


  • The gender of a creature now correctly displays in its inventory.


  • Fixed a case where items were being highlighted despite not being able to be used (such as an incorrect saddle)


  • Changed the Inventory Menu font to be bolder, and improved the Chatbox font rendering.

ARK: Survival Evolved – Easter Event -Eggcellent Adventure Pt 2

The Event starts today and it lasts one week!

Players can collect Bunny Eggs, which they can paint or use in special recipes to craft special Easter Items (Bunny Ears, Bunny Custom for Procoptodon and more!)

Xbox and PS4 Players get this event with the next version!

Though Survivors should beware the ferocious Bunny-Dodorex that will roam the ARK throughout the week!

Dino Dossier: Yutyrannus

Common Name Yutyrannus
Species Yutyrannus Saevus
Time Cretaceous
Diet Carnivore
Temperament Aggressive
Tameable Yes
Rideable Yes
  • Wild:  The Yutyrannus Saevus is believed to be related to the Tyrannosaurus Rex but it is noticeably different upon first glance. Feathered creatures are not necessarily viewed as dangerous predators in the same light as other theropods. However, the Yutyrannus strikes fear into even the most skilled hunters on the island.

  • Domesticated: A domesticated Yutyrannus can be a powerful offensive or defensive addition to war parties. With its mighty roar, it can induce fear in opposing creatures. Meanwhile, Yutyrannus can be trained to develop a confidence-boosting Battle-Cry which counteracts enemy attempts to induce fear, while also bolstering the resolve of allies. These unique “leadership” qualities make the Yutyrannus a versatile, and at times, a necessary creature to have on your side during large-scale confrontations.

  • Known Information: There are few wild predators that are able to pack-hunt alongside the generally hostile Carnotaurus, like the Yutyrannus does, with such ease. It is also the only creature I’ve seen to consistently induce a state of panic with its roar. Upon hearing it, most creatures in the area will flee for safety.


  • Raw Meat
  • Raw Prime Meat

Base Stats and Calculator

Level Base + Lvl =

Check Yutyrannus in Taming Calculator

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 256.34

  • New Craft-All Hotkey: A (bindable in INI)
  • Remote Inventory UI now defaults to old-school ARK combined-engrams view. You can toggle the “Show Engrams” button to get a separate “Crafting” tab as the new-school UI has. The game will remember your setting for this and for whether you were viewing that Crafting tab.
  • Inventory Sorting modes now save for local & remote inventories & crafting tabs respectively. (later will have the current Sorting mode indicated on the pop-out menu)


  • Fixed an issue where free-blank-slots in remote Inventory Boxes were not appearing properly when in “Show Engrams” view.
  • Fixed Spoil Bars appearing on recipe blueprints

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 256.33

  • Fixed a crash some players were experiencing when spawning due to UI changes
  • Fixed the UI from shrinking when entering the Options menu even when the UI slider was at max.
  • Fix to allow transferring directly into folders in the inventory.
  • Made inventory filters stay active when switching from inventory to/from crafting.
  • Updated various Male Survivor SFX
  • The Quick Inventory Slots bar now scales independently from the rest of the UI.

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 256.31 & 256.32


UI Related:

  • The UI now has scaling Options
  • Tooltips can be toggled off within the UI by pressing the “G” key
  • Meat cooldown effect no longer occurs in food trough and in dino inventory when not being force fed.
  • Fixed UI flicker problem when uploading or downloading creatures in Single Player
  • Fixed an issue with chatbox appearing off-screen on 21:9 monitors
  • Fixed a visual glitch when you would have more than 2 Markers on a Map


  • Female audio has been revised after collecting feedback from players


  • Fixed a networking problem where players were not able to successfully pick up resources. Requires Server Update!
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