The Dead have returned and for the next week the ARK is undergoing a spooky seasonal change where the air is cooler, the days shorter and the nights longer, and a Blood-Moon shines brightly as zombies, living skelesaurus, and terrifying creatures of the night appear above ground.
Running from Friday October 28 through Sunday November 6 on Steam, Fear Evolved 2 will have ARK survivors witness the ARK transform into a dark, eerie landscape teeming with ghoulish graves, overgrown pumpkin patches, and Halloween festivities. Prepare for the ultimate Dino-Ween event, Fear Evolved 2!
Survivors should take care when exploring the ARKs as the mythical DodoRex stomps across the land with an army of blood-thirsty zombie dodos in tow and is joined by its flying friends, the daunting DodoWyvern, its zealous ZombieWyvern horde, and a variety of re-animated Skelesaurs roam the world.
For those brave enough to face their fears, there will be a number of new items to collect including the mythical DodoWyvern Mask, the haunting Vampiric eyes, the terrifying Clown mask, the beastly Werewolf mask, and of course don’t forget to be on the lookout for more spooky Skelesaurs in the form of; Giganotosaurus, Quetzalcoatlus, Jerboa, and Wyvern!
Not to mention, some old festive goodies will be making a return in the form of thatch-rich scarecrows, custom Jack-o-Lantern carvings, Skelesaur Costumes, Candy-Corn loot drops, Witch Hats, Masks! You’ll also be granted the opportunity to tame endlessly-rejuvenating Zomdodos and ZombieWyverns!