ARK 2 – ARK: Survival Evolved 2 announced

ARK 2 development was announced for PC and XBOX X/S- together with a beautiful Cinematic Trailer –

In Corporation with Microsoft they´ll work on making a new experience for all the dinosaur fans out there

Take a Look!

See Vin Diesel survive in a harsh environment filled with dangers



ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 318.9

  • Turkey Trial is now live until December 8th! Launch your server with -ActiveEvent=Turkeytrial to enjoy the festivities!


  • Fixed a bug where Tamed Megalodons were accidentally applying the Gashed debuff, causing a slow and a bleed, rather than the Gnashed debuff which would only cause a bleed. Additionally, Wild Megalodons will no longer apply the bleed effect (Gnashed) to their targets.
  • Fixed a bug which broke Basilisk IK
  • Fixed a bug where the Mammoth damage debuff (Trumpet) was not working on wild or tamed dinos
  • Fixed multiple level-design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, etc. This includes the floating water volumes around the Crystal Isles floating islands which would cause players to dismount in midair.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the Taming HUD to clear itself after a server restart or relog
  • Fixed a bug which caused Quetz to be affected by small bear traps
  • Fixed a bug which caused the Rock Drake to stop gliding
  • Fixed a bug which caused Large Crop Plots to be fully irrigated when placed
  • Fixed a bug which allowed players to place ocean platforms inside other player structures
  • Fixed a bug which caused Onyc’s babies to spawn at the wrong socket location
  • Fixed a bug where HLNA was not correctly colorizable
  • Fixed a bug which allowed Desert Kaiju flock to be taxidermable
  • Fixed a bug which prevented you from being able to “track all” creatures that were tamed within a search filter in the Taming UI HUD.
  • Fixed a bug which caused some foliage on Aberration to be missing collision
  • Fixed a bug which prevented Arthropleuras, Spiders, and Onyc that were in Cryopods from being deployed
  • Fixed a bug which caused Wild Stegos to have colour plating in Single Player
  • Fixed a bug which caused Mantis that were grown from the baby stage to be larger than tamed ones
  • Fixed a bug which made the Chibi Bone Rex smaller than intended
  • Fixed a bug with the Hockey Mask which would cause it to stall players upon selection
  • Fixed a bug which prevented the Stego from gaining experience when killing with Impale
  • Fixed a bug which caused the Bleed Effect to be off center on the Allosaurus and Thylacoleo
  • Fixed a bug which caused non-aggressive Eels to wander in circles
  • Fixed a bug which made it so that the Shoulder Cannon icon was not colourised
  • Fixed an exploit which prevented turrets from shooting at you
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed Cannons and Turrets to be healed using the tent

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 314.7 – 314.5 – 314.3 -313.57


  • Fixed a client crash on Aberration
  • Fixed a client crash on Linux


  • Pacifier (imprint/cuddle) icon will be hidden behind the Extended HUD options (H) unless an imprint is available (then you’ll see it) to reduce on screen clutter.

v314.3 – 10/08/2020

  •  Crystal Isle map optimizations
  •  Fixed multiple level-design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, etc.
  •  Networking optimizations and security improvements
  •  Pacifier (Imprint) Icon only displays above baby dinos when imprinting is NOT at 100%, and will pulse when a baby is ready to be cuddled
  •  Additional mesh detection improvements
  •  Fixed a bug with Tropeo that allowed it to attack ORP structures and dinos
  • Initial Implementation of the Live Tuning System.

v313.57 – 10/01/2020

  • Fixed a meshing exploit
  • Fixed a turret soaking exploit
  • Dino Leash will no longer prevent creatures from being transported via a TEK Teleporter
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the oil pump structure from being able to be placed on oil wells.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented players from launching the expansion pack maps on Linux
  • Locally run ‘getall’ commands are now locked behind a server admin check
  • Alliance chat now works with Gamepad

ARK Survival Evolved Patchnotes: 313.14 + 313.19 + 313.22

Patchnote 313.22

  • Fixed an exploit related to mounted turrets


  • Fixed an exploit that caused players to be ignored by auto-turrets


  • Fixed an exploit that caused players to be ignored by auto-turrets


  • Fixed a bug which stopped Gacha crystals from providing items upon consumption

ARK: Suvival Evolved Patch 313.10

  • Fixed a bug which prevented the TEK Bridge from snapping
  • Increased the TEK Bridge decay timer
  • Fixed a level up animation glitch with the Bear and Megatherium
  • Fixed multiple level design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, etc.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the Trough visual indicator to reset on load in Single Player
  • Fixed an exploit used by malicious players to arbitrarily add pin codes to unpincodeable structures
  • Fixed various broken creature spawns in Genesis Single Player
  • Adjusted the Transfer UI’s Server Session list alignment
  • Fixed a bug where downloaded Titans were not saving on servers
  • Fixed an exploit with Crystal Wyverns
  • Fixed an exploit with the Reaper and Basilisk
  • Fixed an exploit with the Deinocyhus
  • Fixed a bug with the TEK Skiff would not update its inventory, causing it to be unable to fly as it assumed it was carrying too many items

ARK: Survival Evolved Patchnotes 312.13 + 312.14 + 312.15 + 312.19

Patch 312.19

  • Fixed multiple level design issues related to holes, volumes, floating foliage, and more.
  • Fixed Dino Leash breaking on restart
  • Fixed a crash related to crafting items with the gamepad
  • Reduced the Prime Jerky crafting cost of Summer Bash Holiday items

Patch 312.14

  • Fixed a server hang
  • Fixed a server crash

Patch 312.15

  • Reverted file loading change due to it causing memory issues

Patch 312.13

  • New command line arg: -PublicIPForEpic=<IPAddress>
  • If this command line arg is used, this is the public IP that EGS clients will attempt to connect to.
  • If this command line is missing and -Multihome is specified, then EGS clients will attempt to connect to the Multihome IP
  • Note that if you’re using Multihome and specify a non-public IP address, then players will not be able to connect to your server using EGS. Make sure to set a public IP address (e.g WAN or external)

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 311.87

  • Fixed the ‘Kicked by BattlEye’ disconnection error
  • Fixed certain server map names not showing on the session filter
  • Fixed eggs and babies being teleported to 0,0 when in stasis

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 310.27

  • Adjusted several creatures for the prevention of mesh biting
  • Fixed a crash that resulted when trying to craft an item from the hotbar
  • Ferox breeding/mutation movement speed has been corrected to be consistent between small and large Ferox.
  • Terrain textures have been improved on The Island in areas where it appeared to be low quality
  • Improved several terrain areas in Genesis that caused players to get stuck, to be incorrectly teleported, or allowed players to unfairly exploit.
  • Fixed an issue with the lighting in caves on The Island
  • Fixed an exploit with turrets and ziplines
  • Fixed an exploit with meshing and the cruise missile
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