1. Explorer Note – Unraveling the Mysteries of the ARK!

A new Explorer Note has been discovered!



We’re excited to reveal the first of many Explorer Notes to be uncovered whilst living on the island and over the coming few weeks, the ‘Explorer Note System’ will be finding its way onto the ARK itself. You’ll be able to discover the stories of actual inhabitants that have lived on the isle, and follow what their fates are over time*. By studying their notes, learning through their experiences, and revealing the secrets they have discovered, you will be able to get closer to the heart of the mysteries surrounding the ARK.

* Not everyone can survive life on the ARK ;)

We’ll also be taking a break from revealing Dino Dossiers over the coming weeks as we spend some time catching up on implementing the Dossier backlog we have created for ourselves! We also want to see how the game evolves with further additions, so we can finalize what our remaining batch of creatures (Basilosaurus anyone?) will be and what they’ll bring to the ARK. Don’t worry though – we’ll still have a content reveal every Monday! Something new and mysterious will be unveiled ;)




ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 237.9

Unversioned Hotfix: Updated Translations for Russian, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and added Brazilian Portugese! Thank you to all ARK translators, keep it up — you rock! Please remember to fill in your Credits label at the top of the localization file 🙂

  • Ended ♥ARK Valentine’s Day Event♥
  • Added hooks for International “fast-pipe” official servers (VPX)

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 237.8

  • Added ♥ ARK Valentine’s Day Event ♥,
    • which will run until 5pm EST Monday.
    • Get new “Box o’ Chocolates” Item randomly dropped by mating tamed Dinos, eating it will insta restore full HP, or knock 40% off a Dino’s Tame Bar (Remote Use).
    • Also during the Event, 2x Mating/Mateboost Range, 3x Mating Speed/Mating Recovery, 3x Baby/Egg Maturation Speed, 1/3rd Baby Food Consumption!
    • Custom servers can activate the event with “-vday” commandline!
  • Fixed “Unassigned” key bindings on localized languages

XBOX ONE ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 731.0


  • SPLIT-SCREEN MULTIPLAYER for both Online and Local Play!!
  • Non-Dedicated Multiplayer tether range increased +33%, Maximum number of players in non-dedicated sessions increased to 8!
  • All of the PC’s Server options are now exposed to Hosting/Local Sessions (even options that were previously hidden in INI’s), and all options have direct-input textboxes for using any arbritrary value. Including whether to allow Tribute Downloads ;)

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed cursor erroneously resetting to “Favorites” button after attempting to join a server
  • Fixed a memory leak that would eventually crash the client over time
  • Fixed log-out when plugging in Play-&-Charge Kit
  • Fixed crashes when entering long text into Notes
  • Fixed inability to connect/reconnect sometimes after losing connection (‘stuck at PrimalGameData loading screen’)
  • Fixed duplicating dinos in singleplayer
  • Fixed losing Tribe Data
  • Fixed Host Settings not saving
  • Fixed multi-colored Dimorphodon ;)
  • Rendering Framerate improvements (~20%)
  • Improved range & performance of ‘Ground Clutter’ effect

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 235.6 & 235.7


  • French Translation v1!
  • BattlEye Clients: Mac and Linux!


  • Fixed a Gallimimus passenger unboarding issue.
  • Fixed some servers displaying as BattlEye that weren’t actually.
  • Fixed rain vfx not appearing on clients (Requires Server Update)


  • Fixed Localization Font uasset overrides that were not working
  • Improved Ground Clutter Draw Distance and performance
  • Added Main Menu “credits” label for Localizations

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 235.4 & 235.5


Client-side changes:

  • BattlEye protected servers are now indicated with an icon on the server list
  • Made text labels ‘overrun’ rather than clip, better for displaying longer strings in translated languages.
  • Updated master localization archive to have more strings! (multi line texts etc)

Server-side changes:

  • Fixed rare localization issue that caused a server hang

Dino Dossier: Leech

Common Name Leech
Species Haementeria laetus
Time Holocene
Diet Sanguinivore
Temperament Passive - Aggressive
Tameable No
Rideable No
  • Wild: It is difficult to be angry with Haementeria laetus, despite its rather terrible nature. The creature has practically no intelligence, and just attaches to any nearby living flesh in an attempt to drain that creature's blood.

  • Domesticated: While Haementeria is not intelligent enough to be tamed, and does not provide a resource any tribe would need in large quantities, it is always useful to keep a few around for antidotes. When processed properly, Haementaria venom can be made into powerful antivenin!

  • Known Information: Removing Haementeria requires precision bladework, or access to an open flame. Both of these can be nearly as dangerous to the host as to the leech itself. Once Haementeria attaches to a host, it drains blood at a rapid pace, and the host experiences hunger, losses of health, and lowered stamina. Some Haementeria are also carriers for a dangerous disease I've dubbed 'Swamp Fever', which persists permanently beyond the leech's own lifespan. Few creatures on the island are transmitters for this disease, and it can ultimately be cured with a rare medicine.


Base Stats and Calculator

Level Base + Lvl =

Check Leech in Taming Calculator

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 235.2 & 235.3 (DE and ES – Translation)


  • Added community German Translation
    Launch game with command argument:

    (or use new Steam launch menu option)


Unversion Hotfix: Added community Spanish Translation by Neizan, IsCariote Youtuber and his team! Also updated the “Localization Manager” to have a “Update Archives from Manifest” button which allows you to update the latest localization strings from “English” into your selected language archives!.

  • BattlEye Anti-Cheat System!

    BattlEye Notes: The new executable to properly play on Official Servers is ShooterGame\Binaries\ShooterGame_BE.exe, which we’ve updated the Steam Launch options to include (if you launch ShooterGame.exe directly, you will be redirected to ShooterGame_BE.exe if you connect to any Official Server running BattlEye). If you wish to run your Unofficial Server with BattlEye, you can do so with -BattlEye (however, only functions with Windows servers currently). Note that BattlEye is currently not ready for Mac or Linus, so we have temporarily disabled the capability of Mac/Linux clients to connect to BattlEye servers. We hope to have this resolved within the coming few days. Thank you for your patience!

How to Localize ARK!

ARK supports now user-created localizations.

We want to show you how you can choose your language :

1. There is a new app in the folder:


Run it and then check the languages you want, afterwards click ArchiveFiles->XLS to generate an excel spreadsheet of all the localizations (this can take some minutes) “Completed” will show up on the status panel when it is finished.

Upload that XLS to Google Docs or another text-programm for easy group editing.

2. When you’re ready to reimport new localizations, click “XLS->Archive Files” and then choose your XLS, and it will import and integrate the localization data for the checked languages.

3. Finally, click “Generate Game Files From Archives” and it will actually prepare the corresponding shipping binary localization data for the checked languages for display in-game. (this “\ShooterGame\Content\Localization\Game\YOURLANGUAGE\ShooterGame.locres” binary file is what is actually used in-game for speed)

The localization files themselves are located here, in whatever language subfolder you want to specify:


There are no hardcoded language directory names, so whatever language subfolder name you want yours to be, you just then run the game with the following commandline:

\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\ShooterGame.exe -culture=yourlanguage

(Ideally yourlanguage is the corresponding two-character language code from the standard here: http://www.lingoes.net/en/translator/langcode.htm )

For example, for Spanish (which we’ve not yet translated!):
\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\ShooterGame.exe -culture=es

To distribute your localization, just zip up your Localization language’s subfolder and then be sure to tell your players where to extract it, namely into here:



Source: Drake on Steam

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