ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 221.2 & 221.3


Fixes / Optimization

  • Saved about 600 MB of video memory in some circumstances
  • Reduced level streaming stalls! (PhysX thread lock)
  • Fixed issue where player could become un-topor-able
  • Improved DodoRex AI
  • Fixed a case where DodoRex and Zomdodos could become despawned
  • Fixed a case where player could become no-clipped
  • Double-Tap-Use to throw Mounted Creature (Monkey/Dimo), for real!


  • Substantially reduced level-streaming memory overhead, and massively improved garbage collection efficiency (70% reduction in garbage collection time), improving framerate and reducing stalls.

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 221 & 221.1



  • ARK: Fear Evolved (event)
    • Re-Themed ARK, with shorter days / longer nights, colder temperature, scary creatures above-ground
    • DodoRex & ZombieDodo Army, DodoRex Mask Skin & Achievement
    • Placeable “Carveable” Jackolanterns, Gravestones, & Scarecrows
    • Bone Dino Costumes
    • Tameable Bat & Spider, Ride-able Spider
    • Witch Hat Skin for Survivors & Dinos
    • Rare Jack-o-Lantern Items from Supply Drops that give Free ARK Game codes to share with your friends (Official Servers Only 🙂 )
    • More 🙂
  • New Items: Apex-Kill Trophy Wall-Mounts, Artifact Pedestals
  • Added “Take All From Folder” button to remote inventories. Soon will add whole-Folder Drag & Drop.


  • Instrument (War Drum) playing is now locally-timed, so there isn’t a latency when you’re hitting the beats online
  • Double-Tap ‘Use’ key to throw shoulder-mounted Dino
  • You can now “Replace” structures even when at the Max Structure Limit for an area


  • Fixed issue where Dinos could spawn or get stuck outside the map boundaries
  • Mammal Gestation Progress now saves for real!
  • Garbage Collection Performance & Texture Streaming Optimizations


  • Fixed Trophy Wall-Mount Engram not being Craftable (requires server update)
  • Fixed crafting reqs of Stone Gates to be more reasonable (requires server update)

Dino Dossier: Diplodocus

Common Name: Diplodocus
Species: Diplodocus Insulaprincep
Time: Late Jurassic
Diet: Herbivore
Temperament: Naive
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: Yes
  • Wild: Despite being one of the islands larger creatures, Diplodocus Insulaprincep is among the Islands smaller sauropods. Instead of size and intelligence, Diplodocus developed faster maximum speed and greater endurance. When fully matured, it generally only reaches about two-thirds the size of the rather enormous Brontosaurus.

  • Domesticated: Due to Diplodocus’ smaller frame, it cannot support the type of ‚platform‘ saddle that other large creatures can. To make up for this, many tribes instead use a tree-seater passenger saddle, that allows Diplodocus to carry two additional riders. These passengers often use ranged weapons to protect the creature, or to attack nearby enemies while on the move.

  • Known Information: Diplodocus is another creature whose continued survival on the Island confuses me. It’s a very thick-headed and trusting animal, often to its fatal detriment. It usually doesn’t flee from predators until after they’ve attacked it repeatedly, preferring instead to make numerous fruitless attempts at friendship. For some strange reason, Diplodocus trusts humans so much, that it doesn’t seem to fight back against them…. ever!


  • Raw Meat

Base Stats and Calculator

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Check Diplodocus in Taming Calculator

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 220.4


  • Max Height Players can now use War Drums, and increased War Drum volume
  • Reduced Baby Food Consumption rate by ~50% — thanks for bearing with us to refine it 🙂
  • Railings can now snap onto each other to make taller railings or cages, and you can now shoot thru their holes
  • Test for fixing PvE Dino Spawns
  • You can now press “T” when hovering over any item in the Inventory Menu to transfer that item to/from remote inventory. Also you can then hold Shift to transfer half a sack, or Ctrl to transfer a single item in a stack.


  • Improved performance painting the WarMap
  • Mammal Gestation Progress now saves
  • Fixed newborn Direwolf HP and Food
  • Fixed Megaloceros & Mammoth gestation times
  • C4 can now be placed on areas that already have max structures (server-side update)
  • Fixed some map areas that were deleting water dinos
  • Flying dinos can no longer get stuck outside world bounds
  • Shoulder-mounted Dinos are not allowed to Mate anymore
  • Fixed Scorpion dismounting position to avoid getting stuck on the Scorpion
  • Fixed issue with being teleported to center-of-the-map sometimes when ‘unsitting’
  • Fix for colorizing structures such as Storage Boxes
  • Fixed a case where standing on opening ceiling doors could cause your movement to become… whacky…

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 220.1

  • You can drag a Dyed Paintbrush onto your Character preview in Inventory to Paint yourself
  • Changed Mating Intervals to from 18h-48h range rather than 1h-3h range (later will refine per creature)
  • Restored Baby (Newborn) Food Consumption to original +250% value

Halloween Event: ARK: Fear Evolved – More Details

Most of our readers will already know of the upcoming Halloween event. Today a new batch of details have been released. We’ve packed them – together with the old informations – in this handy little list.

  • Longer nights, shorter days
  • Overall colder temperature
  • Carvable pumpkins
  • “Zombified” / general undead beasts
  • the DodoRex – with a large fellowship of undead dodos
  • the Giganotosaurus
  • Swords and Shields
  • Snow, Swamp and Tek Caves
  • Boss Arenas / Boss Wars


Additionally (general new features):

  • DirectX12 support for Windows 10
  • On-Ground Meshes for dropped items


As always: if the event is live, we’ll immediately release all related informations and patchnotes.

How to get Babies from Mammals in ARK

When you breed mammals in ARK they won´t produce any eggs – the mammal female will get pregnant. The steps to get pregnant are the same mating process as in Egg Layers (the full tutorial for Egg Layers can be found here).  (Pictures will be added as soon as we can get them :))


Take 2 Creatures of the same species – male and female – together in a confined space (in a pen for example)

(Annotation: Check if the female is ready to breed, in case she had babies before, because it could be that she has still some downtime. There are some Creatures which can´t mate right now – but only a few 😉 If you want to check the Mating-Status look at the HUD Message “Enable Wandering to Mate”)


Now you have to set them both to “Enable Wandering”. As soon as they are close enough beating hearts will appear over their heads, and the mating bar will appear on the female Mammal’s HUD. Both Mammal’s HUDs will also indicate who they’re mating with, specifically.

Bildschirmfoto 2015-12-29 um 11.53.42


When the Mating bar is complete, the female is now pregnant (with a chance for genetical identical twins or tripletts). Now you have to wait a gestation period indicated in the HUD.

Bildschirmfoto 2015-10-20 um 19.10.37

She´ll become larger and larger over time – she´ll need increasingly more food – a short time before birth she´ll eat double the normal amount of her consumption.


When that timeframe is up, she’ll give birth, and then the mating interval cooldown starts before she can mate again.



Source: Drake on Steam + Mating Pic

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 220 & 220.1



  • Mammal Pregnancy & Flyer creature Breeding
  • Babies now have 10% chance of twins, 2% chance of triplets! (may vary this by creature later). All twins/triplets are genetically identical, not fraternal.
  • New Structure: Mountable War Drums (the first of various instruments! — first Survivors to send us a cool Drum group symphony youtube video will get some kudos! 😉
  • New Structure: Paintable Wall-Mounted “War Map”
  • New Structures: ‘Railings’ Structure set
  • Carnotaurus are now breedable
  • You can now pickup Sabers with Argentavis


  • Fixed hop-onto-raft Raft networking issue
  • Fixed issue with server Dino depopulation (tamed Dinos and lonely structures counting against zone respawns, mostly on PvE. should also help Quetz spawns, etc.)
  • Fixed SotF reconnection bug
  • Fixed “invisible structures around you” issue by prioritizing the networking of nearby structures higher than far-away structures
  • Fixed issue where new fertilized Eggs dropped onto the ground would not be interactable on clients
  • Foliage fillrate performance optimization


  • Changed Mating Intervals to from 18h-48h range rather than 1h-3h range (later will refine per creature)

Dino Dossier: Ichthyornis

Common Name Ichthyornis
Species Ichthyornis piscoquus
Time Late Cretaceous
Diet Piscivorous
Temperament Skittish
Tameable Yes
  • Wild: Among the most vocal creatures on the island, Ichthyornis Piscoquus is actually a relatively normal seagull. Living near the beaches, it primarily eats fish, and its distinctive cries can be heard echoing over literally every beach across the island. As you might expect from a seagull, Ichthyornis will flee at the slightest provocation.

  • Domesticated: Ichthyornis surprised me by being a very loyal and social creature, once tamed. It likes to ride on its owner's shoulder, and bring that person treats (in the form of fish, of course) which its beak-grip enhances with extra healing vitamins. The personality of Ichthyornis reminds me of a housecat hauling a dead lizard back to its family, except bringing extra-healthy fish instead.

  • Known Information: Ichthyornis is an excellent fish hunter, often catching and killing small-to-medium fish in one attack. Its primary method of predation is to dive into the top layers of water and impale or bite its prey. When looking for fish, Ichthyornis will often just fly in circles over the water and wait for its next opportunity to dine.


  • Raw Meat

Base Stats and Calculator

Level Base + Lvl =

Check Ichthyornis in Taming Calculator

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