ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 219.5 & 219.6



  • Raised Official Server Tame caps


  • Fixed collision check issue when unsitting from a bench/chair
  • Made unsitting from a bench/chair look much smoother, with camera transition and no falling
  • Fixed collision issue climbing onto Rafts from water
  • Fixed collision issue exiting climbing up-and-over ladders where sometimes you could fall back down


  • Fixed teleporting issue with climbing ladders. Recommend that servers update if they are running prior versions!
  • Fixed issue rotating placing structures with Gamepad.
  • Fixed camera transition when exiting ballista

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 219.4

(Server-Side fixes)


  • Reduced generally Baby Food consume rate scaling by 40%, and increased maturation speed by 30%


  • Fixed a bug where Babies were consuming Food from their Inventory much faster than they should have been. (They were considering their max maturation Food-limit for purposes of “being full”, rather than their “age-scaled” food-limit. This was causing them to always be “hungry” and want to consume food every “tick”, rather than gradually over a far longer period of time. Thank you sharp-eyed Redditors for identifying this, and our apologies for the bug!!)
  • Changed mating range to use the visual mesh bounds rather than the ‘capsule’ bounds, resulting in more effective mating range for larger dinos

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 219.2 & 219.3


  • Fixed server physx performance bug. Major server CPU gains, recommend immediate install on all servers.



  • Baby Dino Food consumption rate decreased by 60% and Baby maturation speed doubled (thus an effective 80% overall Food reduction to mature)


  • Fixed issue with Knocked-Out state after fast travel (thank you Steam user “Itsr2ghgaming”!!!)
  • Unconscious or ridden or encumbered dinos can no longer mate
  • Baby” phase specifically (<10% matured) will no longer consume food from Feeding Troughs, only their own Inventories
  • Fertilized Eggs will no longer fall thru floors when re-entering an area etc
  • Fixed issue with camera getting stuck in 3rd person when your chair/bench is destroyed while sitting on it
  • Fixed a case where Babies could lay Eggs
  • Fixed frozen/glitched dino animations in various Mods/TC’s

Instructions for perfect breeding & basic informations on babies

You know from the previous Tutorial “How to get Babies in ARK”  how to get Fertilized Eggs and how you can incubate them, but why  should you do this? Here you get some basic informations, how the Stat-Values of the Baby are produced and what color  the Baby will get.

The Parents don’t have to be “in-Tribe” to mate, they just have to be non-aggressed and tamed and in proximity. So a Tribe could loan out their prized breeding dinos, and both Tribes split the resulting eggs, etc.

Babies are unclaimed initially, so you should “Imprint” on them to claim them after birth. Babies initially have extremely low health and carrying capacity and food, so you need to carefully feed and take care of them in their first moments of life, or they’ll soon die. They dynamically can carry more, gain more HP, and food capacity, as they mature over time.  They have a maturation progress bar on their HUD, which they grow in real-time:

 Babies < 10% < Juvenile < 50% < Adolescent < 100% Mature

And oh yeah the younger a baby is, the corresponding less resources it gives if u harvest it, but the more chance of prime meat you get. Newborns are pretty much guaranteed to give a couple primes >:D

Sooo… now we get to the interesting part:

How does the baby get the Stats-Values?

The Baby’s base stats are a random combination of its parents’ base (original pre-tamed) stats, and so are its colors. The better base stat will be chosen with a probability of 70%.

Example: Baby with 2 Max-Base-Stats-Values:

Triceratops Male

HP Max Value
Stamina a
Attack Damage b
Inventory Weight c

Triceratops Female

HP d
Stamina Max Value
Attack Damage e
Inventory Weight f



possible Triceratops Baby (chance 49%)

HP Max Value
Stamina Max Value
Attack Damage b or e
Inventory Weight c or f


This Baby can now mate (once grown) with another Triceratops with max Attack Damage and max Inventory Weight to breed for a Baby with 4 max Base-Stats with a chance of 24%.

By using this selective breeding, you can breed out the stats you don’t want, breed in the ones you do, and eventually with enough effort, breed a complete max-base-statted Uber-Dino… and let the world shudder!

Source: Drake on Steam

How to get Babies in ARK – Eggs

With Patch 219 it is possible to breed Dinos to get little Babies – now you can get descendants from your best and most beautiful creatures 🙂 How this works we´ll discuss step by step and why you should do this can be found in another article (“Instructions for perfect breeding & basic informations on babies“). The tutorial for mammals can be found here.


Take 2 Creatures of the same species – male and female – together in a confined space (in a pen for example)

(Annotation: Check if the female is ready to breed, in case she had eggs before, because it could be that she has still some downtime. There are some Creatures which can´t mate right now – but only a few 😉 If you want to check the Mating-Status look at the HUD Message “Enable Wandering to Mate”)


Now you have to set them both to “Enable Wandering”. As soon as they are close enough beating hearts will appear over their heads, and the mating bar will appear on the female Dino’s HUD. Both Dino’s HUDs will also indicate who they’re mating with, specifically.



When the Mating bar is complete, she’ll drop a Fertilized egg. (perhaps more? I couldn´t encrypt it – please comment in case you have better informations :))

fertilized egg

So now you have got your Fertilized egg… what is next?


The Fertilized Egg itself only incubates when dropped, not in Inventory. To incubate it must be kept at a certain temperature range depending on the species. If outside of this temperature range, it won’t make incubation progress, and it will lose “Fertilized Egg Health” over time and be destroyed if zero. This is all indicated on the HUD when looking at a fertilized Egg, and its description also tells you its Parents.


After being fully and successfully incubated, the baby dino will pop out of the egg.

Bildschirmfoto 2015-10-14 um 11.06.08 Bildschirmfoto 2015-10-13 um 12.42.53 Bildschirmfoto 2015-10-13 um 12.43.10






Following Article

Source: Drake on Steam

Dino Dossier: Iguanodon

Common Name Iguanodon
Species Iguanodon vicissitudinis
Time Late Jurassic
Diet Herbivore
Temperament Reactive
Tameable Yes
Rideable Yes
  • Wild: Of the many creatures I've yet encountered the island, the Iguanodon vicissitudinis has the distinctly versatile ability to change its primary method of locomotion according to its momentary needs. While bipedal, it can employ rapid stabbing attacks with its distinctive thumb spikes. In quadrupedal stance, conversely, it seems to have an endless supply of stamina, even while sprinting!

  • Domesticated: Interestingly, the Iguanodon's thumb spikes also provide it with the capability to pick seeds out of fruits, allowing a farmer to handily convert stacks of fruits into stacks of seed for planting. Combined with its highly effective fruit harvesting and substantial carry weight, the Iguanodon's excellent mobility in bipedal stance makes it an ideal field-hand that can also pull off a quick get-away, or an agile defense, when needed.

  • Known Information: Primarily a rather lethargic quadrupedal herbivore native to the island's many grasslands and forests, in situations where increased speed or maneuverability is called for, it will quickly shift its posture into bipedal stance and behave like a very different creature!


  • Raw Meat

Base Stats and Calculator

Level Base + Lvl =

Check Iguanodon in Taming Calculator

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 219


  • Creature Breeding & Babies First Pass! Yes, they grow dynamically in real-time! See this cutee lil Raptorbabies!

Bildschirmfoto 2015-10-13 um 12.42.53Bildschirmfoto 2015-10-13 um 12.43.10

Triceratops-BabyBildschirmfoto 2015-10-14 um 11.06.08

Direwolf-Pup (not added yet- but it stealthed in this thread ;))Bildschirmfoto 2015-10-14 um 11.06.22


  • Sit on chairs & benches
  • Apex-Kill Trophy Wall-Mounts, Artifact Pedestals
  • Mosasaurus! Terror of the Deep!


  • Changed savedata loading code to support super-large saves.
  • Antispeedhack now has a commandline bias you can use on your server (can cause more rubberbanding on laggy players). Defaults to 1.0, you can launch with it such as:
  • Tranq Darts reduced crafting cost to 1 rifle bullet, 2 metal ingots, 3 narcotics, and buffed tranq dart Torpidity by 20%


  • Characters no longer bunny-hop when swimming up from the water surface
  • Fixed misc level bugs, including bad physics zones, non-buildable submerged ice caves, unreachable supply drops etc

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 218.7


  • Shotgun base damage increased by approximately 30%
  • Player engrams no longer count towards “max” inventory items
  • Shotgun networking further changed: clients will need to update to have working shotguns on Official Servers specifically 😉


  • Dinos can no longer damage structures through “underneath” ceiling pieces
  • Getting stuck under terrain will once again properly teleport you back above the terrain

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 218.5 & 218.6



  • Anti speedhack detection is now enabled by default — to disable it, use the server commandline “-noantispeedhack”
  • Server player-move-physics optimization is now enabled by default (improves perf) — to disable it, use the server commandline “-nocombineclientmoves”
  • Reduced Damage of Guns & Projectiles onto Argentavis/Ptero by 25% (3.x multiplier rather than 4.x multuplier)


  • Fixed Turrets’ Quetzal targeting when you have Quetzal Structure-Armor around body. Head will be shot.
  • Dead insects now stop animating if you enter the area after they’re killed
  • Fixed a case where you could get stuck on the painting templates save/load screens
  • Fixed Server Direct Connection (from Steam/Browser such as ) logic to not fail, and also fixed a crash if direct-joining a server fails
  • Improved how shotguns are networked


  • Fixed the global limit on # of Platforms-with-Structures being incremented by Rafts, which are not supposed to use the global limit
  • Fixed a client-side PhysX crash
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