ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 218.2 & 218.3 & 218.4


  • Fixed Mac issues with ‘El Capitan’ OS (thank you Steam Users “Brefin” and “Kyr” for your help in solving it!!!)



  • New server option defaulting disallowed, Quetzal platforms will not allow any non-allied dino to base on them when they are flying. If you want your server to allow non-allied dinos to be able to stand on the Quetzal platforms:


  • Quetzal platforms now include the weight of all pawns based on them, including the inherent pawn carry weight, causing encumbrance when carrying very large dinos.
  • Tranq Dart Torpidity effect increased by 100%
  • Poison Grenades add 25% more Torpor and have 20% more AoE
  • Alpha Dinos can no longer be picked up
  • Quetzal reduced damage by 33% and damage scaling by 20%
  • Spectator Player List now can sort by Player or Tribe and also Search by Player or Tribe


  • Raised Max KillZ being too low causing some characters to die on a high-flying Quetz platform
  • Fixed Quetzaldamage / warpaintoverlay
  • Improved walking on dynamic platforms, Quetz, Raft, etc
  • Beezlebufo fall damage speed threshold raised to avoid taking damage on long jumps
  • Fixed a case where Player disconnected from the server could become unsleeped
  • Fixed standing on Rafts
  • Fixed Dino XP level #, extra 0


  • Fixed client side issue where clients wouldn’t see other players “Wake up” from sleeping state

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 218 & 218.1

Patch 218


  • SotF Enhancements: Immediate Warpaints (freepainting doesn’t require any items), Six Player Tribes, Mesopithecus, Broodmother!
  • Quetzalcoatlus & Flying Platform Saddle. (Airship?!)
  • Machined Sniper Rifle
  • Tranq Darts


  • Option to Remove the default “sail” from the Raft 😉
  • Raised Player and Dino Level Caps by +3 each
  • You can now lock and/or pincode Elevators
  • Sarcos now swim in shallow swamp water, making them speedy deadly creatures in the swamp
  • When aggro’ed, flyers no longer wander to a random point before attacking
  • Swapped Fria Curry/Calien Soup Food-Water buff effects, as originally intended


  • Reduced rubber-banding and camera-flickering when moving upon a platform saddle.


  • Improved server perf by 15% using server-side movement optimization
  • Server Admins can now set in their Game.ini:
    • CropGrowthSpeedMultiplier=1
    • LayEggIntervalMultiplier=1
    • PoopIntervalMultiplier=1
    • CropDecaySpeedMultiplier=1

Patch 218.1


  • Fixed a savegame loading crash

Dino Dossier: Procoptodon

Common Name: Procoptodon
Species: Procoptodon vivencurrus
Time: Plestiocene
Diet: Herbivore
Temperament: Reactive
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: Yes
  • Wild: The first marsupial I've encountered on the island is the Procoptodon vivencurrus. Standing nearly three meters tall, it is also the largest jumping creature I've ever heard of. It is a fairly peaceful herbivore that only fiercely attacks if aggressed upon.

  • Domesticated: Procoptodon's dry pouch makes it an excellent beast of burden that can carry far more than other creatures of its size. But more importantly, many tribes use it as a two-seater transport by having a secondary rider nest in the pouch. Since this passenger doesn't have to worry about controlling the Procoptodon, the pouch-warrior can focus on firing his or her weapons.

  • Known Information: One of Procoptodon's most unique features is its pouch. Unlike many pouched marsupials, Procoptodon's pouch is relatively dry, and has little in the way of sticky or oily fluids. I assume this is good for the joey, but I have not figured out exactly why yet...


  • Raw Meat


Base Stats and Calculator

Level Base + Lvl =

Check Procoptodon in Taming Calculator

Dino Dossier: Diplocaulus

Common Name: Diplocaulus
Species: Diplocaulus Natatorianutrix
Time: Permian
Diet: Piscivorous
Temperament: Skittish
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: No
  • Wild: Presiding almost solely within the island's swamps, Diplocaulus Natatorinutrix is a small amphibian that primarily eats minor fish. It rounds out what I consider the middle-bottom of the ecosystem, feeding on the tinier non-insect creatures of the island while itself being a common snack for the larger carnivores.

  • Domesticated: There are only a few uses for tamed diplocaulus. It is primarily used the (rather disgusting) practice of employing Diplocaulus as an oxygen bag. Diplocaulus stores air in the bladders of its head, and divers can suck from these bladders to take deep breaths while submerged, supporting long-term underwater exploration without the use of external gear.

  • Known Information: Because so many creatures prey on it, Diplocaulus has become very skittish and often flees at the first sign of trouble. It uses its amphibious nature to escape into whichever enviroment its predator isn't native to. Diplocaulus' unique capability to retain vast quantities of oxygen allows it to effectively remain submerged for hours at a time, usually outlasting even other amphibious creatures that might otherwise prey upon it.


  • Raw Meat
  • Chitin

Base Stats and Calculator

Level Base + Lvl =

Check Diplocaulus in Taming Calculator

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 217.1 & 217.2



  • Re-enabled ‘Raw Socket’ support on Linux/Windows Servers (use at your own risk, we believe there are stability issues with raw sockets but some hosts seem to like them 😉


  • Fixed bug with “Rain” & “Snow” visuals only ever appearing once
  • Fixed RCON performance issue on Linux/Windows (we think ;))



  • Reduced effectiveness of primitive club on players by 10%
  • Increased poison grenade gas duration and effectiveness by 15%
  • Sloped Roofs now count for “indoors” insulation calculation


  • Fixed respawn rate & yield rate on Species X wild plants
  • Fixed dino-player pushing through walls case
  • Fixed inability to climb ladders at some angles
  • Female Megaloceros don’t grow horns anymore in singleplayer 🙂

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 217


  • Hornless female Megaloceros added
  • Inventory Quality of Life: You can now sort inventory lists by many factors, and also text-search them dynamically.
  • Craftable Consumable Bug Repellent. Yes!
  • Poison Gas Grenade *cough cough cough*
  • Primitive Club (great for conking people on the head and knocking them out, regardless of armor)
  • Trophy System (including the SotF Trophies!!!)
  • New Option (default true) to automatically open Engram Window after applying all available Level Ups
  • Inventory Slot counter
  • Server Valve Anti Cheat (VAC) enabled! Auto Banhammmmerrr Go!


  • Overstocked Snow Metal Rocks now yield Metal Ore at the same approximate rate as “Rich Mountain” Metal Rocks
  • You can now double-click an Engram to Learn It
  • Jerky crafting time reduced by 33%
  • Furniture and Gravestones are now dye-able


  • Various bug fixes TDB
  • Foliage fillrate performance optimization
  • About +25%-30% server CPU performance gain due to Spatial Octree optimization
  • Radios no longer take over Tribe Chat. Tribe Chat always functions as normal on its own “Channel”.
  • Fixed aquatic creatures following targets across water zones
  • Fixed pop-in of underwater rock/canyon meshes
  • Fixed snow-cave blockage, and ice mini cave o’ doom killin’ dinos/teleportin

Dino Dossier: Cnidaria

Common Name: Cnidaria
Species: Cnidaria omnimorph
Time: Cambrian - Holocene
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Passive, but aggressive at close range
Tameable: No
Rideable: No
  • Wild: Cnidaria omnimorph is another example of a creature which should not exist. It has traits that seem to come from many types of jellyfish. It posses the size and shape of large egg-yolk jellies, the powerful sting of certain box jellies, and the bioluminescence of deep-sea jellies. This all combines to make a dangerous creature that lights up the deepest reaches of the ocean.

  • Domesticated: As Cnidaria is barely more intelligent than a plant, there's no effective method to tame one. though dangerous as they can be, a few tribes even keep schools of them around to harvest.

  • Known Information: Cnidaria is not generally an aggressive creature, because it lacks normal perceptive senses. it generally just floats on the current until something gets close enough to sense, at which point it attacks. While its attacks are not directly powerful, its sting injects an incredibly strong and fast-acting sedative. Most tribes kill Cnidaria on sight, then collect its reserve of powerful sedative, to use in technically advanced long-distance tranquilizers.


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Base Stats and Calculator

Level Base + Lvl =

Check Cnidaria in Taming Calculator

Big Taming Calculator Overhaul

We’ve updated the taming calculator. Now it supports efficiency calculation, non violent taming, it has a much improved narcotics calculation and it even the new animals have been added. If you find anything non correct, please inform us in the comments.

To the calculator

Swamp and Snow Biomes: Informations and Locations

The Ark has been expanding and now offers two new biomes: the swamp and the snow – of course with a complete own flora and fauna.



The snow biomes offer a very cold area at the top left of the map. These areas are very hostile and should only be visited with proper equipment. Of course you’ll find more “cold – loving” animals up there – like the Mammoth or the new Direwolf.


The swamp on the other hand is a very humid place on the Island with normal to hot conditions which will host animals like the Sarcosuchus or the new Beelzebufo.

swampBoth are a huge increase in the variability of the Island. So visit them as soon as possible.

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 216.1 & 216.2 & 216.3



  • Official Servers: Relaunching with -ForceRespawnDinos to destroy all wild creatures to flush out NPC’s to new Biome configurations. (this will only destroy wild creatures that are NOT currently being tamed 🙂
  • Dimorph Kibble is now cookable from Dimorph Eggs 😉


  • Fixed a couple server crashes
  • Re-added missing “Small Crop Plot” Engram
  • Improved Stag jump animation
  • Fixed an NPC Spawn Zone that had improper spawning configuration
  • Fixed issue with not being able to climb ladders on certain platform structures/rafts
  • Fixed Mac rendering issue in Snow Biome (black screen


  • More server crash protection


  • Added a function necessary for Servers hosting ‘Survival of the Fittest’ Total Conversion. If you want to host SotF 4.0, you should upgrade your Server to 216.3. (Clients don’t need to).
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