ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 201.2

These are the changes of ARK: Survival Evolved’s Patch 201.2, grouped into categories for clarity. If not otherwise indicated, they’re quoted from the relevant Steam Thread.

Game Changes

  • Cut taming time on Gigantopithecus by about 25% and he won’t stay aggro’d forever now either.
  • IED’s don’t use demolition explosion type anymore, as they were not intended to. (effectively cuts their damage against structures by about 60%). They are anti-personnel/defensive.
  • Scuba tank now slowly recovers your stamina if you are not moving in water.


  • Fixed issue with ‘Survival of the Fittest’ server player counts being incorrect after match reset.

(Original Announcement on Steam)

Here are the patchnotes of the previous patch (201.1)

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 201.1

These are the changes of ARK: Survival Evolved’s Patch 201.1, grouped into categories for clarity. If not otherwise indicated, they’re quoted from the relevant Steam Thread.

Creature Changes

  • Reduced Gigantopithecus natural aggro range by 20%, and it’ll no longer target wild animals — only nosy humans/tamed animals. Also, its aggro will no longer reset its waking tame. Note that ANY damage resets the progress of a non-violent tame!


  • Fixed SCUBA Goggles scaling/offset not matching heads
  • Made multiplayer session list instantly cancel the join if you are not able to join for some reason, rather than making you wait for the time-out.
  • Fixed interpolation of character when mounting/dismounting dino

(Original Announcement on Steam)

Here are the patchnotes of the previous patch (201.0)

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 201– Patchnotes


  • THE TRIBE BUG IS FIXED! No more randomly messed-up Tribes!!!!
  • New option to use toggle-talk instead of push-to-talk
  • Being Kicked from a session during connection (including Bans) no longer results in you getting stuck a loading screen. Now you’ll actually get back to the main menu with correct message.
  • Fixed a SpawnEgg() load crash some people were getting
  • e chat spam interval
  • Fixed an issue with destroying wires causing destroying of attached objects
  • Fixed a color modifier brightness exploit
  • Made Omni Lamp brighter
  • Fixed issue with not getting more Jerky created from Preserving Bin if you already have Jerky+Meat in it


  • New Items: SCUBA Gear set


  • We now support global, dynamic Official Server bans. So please please don’t use hacks, or we’ll have to find out, and then we will have to ban. Also, player run servers will have the option of using our global ban list, or pointing to any online ban list that they want.
  • ARK Server Manager now works remotely and can install/manage Mods/Maps/TC’s remotely
  • Added a server-configurab

New Animal

  • New Dino: Gigantopithecus: Your autonomous Fiber-gathering, helmet-wearing, human-tossing buddy-for-life! – Link to dossier




Looking for Translators is the biggest ARK dedicated blog on the internet. We’re publishing news, tutorials, patchnotes and more in currently 2 main languages (english and german). Additionally we’ve some volunteers, who translate some pages to french and portuguese. With this team we’re reaching up to 1 million visitors, every month – but we want to spread the word even further. That’s why we’re looking for translators and writers in every possible language.

We offer:

  • possibility to publish your own news, information and more to a wide range of users
  • full access to our software (calculators, articles, images, contacts)
  • working on your own “subpage” where you’re the admin
  • your own advertisements on the sidebar for your own server or your own google adsense for monetisation (aka: make money)

We request:

  • Steady updates (at least 4 per week) in a language of your choice
  • Good or very good english skills
  • Basic knowledge of the game
  • Skype to stay in contact 😉

Interested? Then write me an email: wewantyou [AT] (replace the [AT] with an @) with a short message, why you’re suited for this job, the language you want to maintain and a short description of yourself.

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 200.1 & 200.2 – Patchnotes

These are the changes of ARK: Survival Evolved’s Patch 200.2, grouped into categories for clarity. If not otherwise indicated, they’re quoted from the relevant Steam Thread.

Survival of the Fittest

  • In-Progress SotF sessions are currently hidden from the session list until we have better booting notification for being unable to join them (Depending on the server configuration). You can still rejoin in-progress SotF sessions from your “My Survivors” tab, or directly via the Steam Client.

Official Servers

  • Approx 2 hour rollback since we did a hard-exit of the servers with no warning when we noticed the appearance-smooshing bug, don’t wanna leave anyone hanging in a bad spot.
  • Doubling the number of official “Survival of the Fittest” servers
  • “Survival of the Fittest” Officials are now difficulty 1.0, not 4.0

Some useful spectator keys

  • Hold H to show scoreboard
  • Ctrl-K to permanently toggle scoreboard
  • Ctrl-N for player list
  • Ctrl-M to show floating huds for ALL players in the world (useful to know where they’re all at but can be spammy)
  • Ctrl-P to show floatinh huds for just nearby players
  • Backspace toggle hud for beauty shots
  • Shift speed movement
  • Ctrl slow movement
  • mouse wheel alter fly speed
  • left click attack to player
  • spacebar detach from player


  • Tranq arrows no longer have a torpidity multiplier of 2000 — d’oh internal testing value!
  • You no longer lose your character visual customization if you reconnect — ouch now we need some “Plastic Surgeon” capability to help anyone who lose their beautiful distinct looks! Admins will get that this weekend, and on Official we’ll handle it with our admins for anyone who was affected in this round.
  • Fixed bug where u could use a timing exploit to fire rockets without consuming ammo! Thank you Steam User “Kiwi”!


(Original Announcement on Steam)

Here are the patchnotes of the previous patch (200.0)

Official ARK Server Manager 0.1 Released -Windows only (Mirror)

Official Steam Announcement: Link

The ARK Server Manager mentioned in Patchnote 200 (Link) has been released just a few minutes ago. We’ve created a direct mirror for it, because the official download is only available from, which is blocked in many countries. We’re not the responsible for this file. Download at your own risk.

Official download link:!rtIlBQ4B!AshMux59GNp2l0huDELD3VXUEWpkCF03s5h8cPLqyyU
Our mirror link:

(Update): It’s the self updating version. So no need to redownload updates, once you’ve downloaded it. So the mandatory windows related virusscanvirustotal2

Usage (By Drake)

Then after extracting, run ARKServerLauncher\ARKServerLauncher.exe to install it. Select an install folder and then run ARKServerLauncher.exe in your install folder.

From there you can easily Install/Update your Windows Dedicated Server by clicking the Install/Update button. You can start/stop your server, and change launch options. You can click on the "Rules & Gameplay" tab to change current rules settings, and in the "Raw INI" tab you can edit/add INI values directly. Finally, in the Mods section, you can browse all Mods on Steam Workshop, Download them, and activate/deactivate them & change their stacking order -- and this DOES automatically extract and set them up properly (so you never have to use a game client!). You'll also get a live feed of how many players are connected to your server on the UI.

Major limitations that will be fixed tonight:
- The "Total Conversion" launch option on the main menu doesn't do anything. For now to run SotF or a TC after downloading & installing SotF via the Mods tab, you need to go to the Raw INI section of the Rules & Gameplay tab, and add this INI key into the ServerSettings section (at the bottom of the scroll window you can add more keys):

ActiveTotalConversion 496735411

Don't try to "Activate" SotF Mod via the Mods tab, that will mess it up. Gotta run it like a Total Conversion with this approach.

Note that you can add extra/custom commandline parameters to your server launch by clicking the "Show Launch Script" button.

Things to come very soon (next couple days and beyond):
- Run remotely so you don't need direct desktop access to your server machine
- Integrated ARKon (RCON)
- Linux server support
- Integrated auto-updater for the Server Launcher app to keep it up to date.
- More more more!

Tutorial: Install Survival of the Fittest Conversion Mod (Linux/Mac/Windows)

If you’re interested in hosting / playing SotF (Survival of the Fittest), you’ll realize, that it’s not really “plug and play”. You’ll have to follow a few simple steps.

Step 1: get the SotF Mod from Steam

This should be the easiest part: install survival of the fittest on your computer. Just login to steam and search in the workshop for “Total Conversion: survival of the fittest”. Click on “Subscribe” and you’re done. Start steam now to download the required mod files.
You can also use this direct link:

Now this tutorial splits in 2 different ways. If you’re playing directly or want to play with friends on a non-dedicated machine: goto step 4
If you’re using a dedicated server (Linux or Windows) goto step 2

Step 2: Copy files to dedicated Server

You’ll have to manually upload the mod files to the server. You’ll find them in your Steam Installation folder on your CLIENT (not server!)

Folder: steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Content\Mods\496735411\
File: steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Content\Mods\496735411.mod
Windows default path: c:\Program Files\Steam\ or c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\
Mac OS X default path: ~/Library/Applicatin Support/Steam (In finder: CMD+SHIFT+G and enter the path) 
Linux default path: ~/steam/ or ~/steamCMD/

Copy this files to the same directory on your server.
If you want to setup a dedicated server, and you’ve no idea how to do it: follow this tutorial, first

Step 3: enable SotF on the Server

Add the following string to your server start script:

Example: ShooterGameServer TheIsland?SessionName=GameServerSetup?QueryPort=27015?ServerPassword=CHOOSEAPASSWORDHERE?ServerAdminPassword=CHOOSEANADMINAPASSWORDHERE?listen -TotalConversionMod=496735411 -server -log"

Then start up the server as normal.

Step 4: Start playing

After startup of the game you’ll see the “Installing Mod” notification in the bottom right corner. Just wait a few seconds until it’s finished. Then you can easily select “Survival of the Fittest”. Select it and accept the notification telling you “need to restart”. Then create (if you dont have a dedicated server) or join a gameserver to play Survival of the Fittest



(Optional) Step 5: Modify the configuration

SotF adds a few new configuration parameters:

Command Line Parameters:

That will make it so that non-admins can not spectate after they die (admins can use “cheat enablespectator” of course). By default, players will spectate after they die (though they will NOT be able to reconnect after they die).

That will make it so that only admins can join an “in-progress” game, as a spectator. By default, anyone can join an in-progress game and will become a spectator. Note that in-progress games are hidden from the main server list however (since for most players they are not very fun to join!). You can rejoin an in-progress session from “My Survivors” of course, or directly via the Steam Client server list.

Ini Parameters:

This is the maximum number of players allowed within a tribe in SotF.

This is the minimum number of tribes necessary to auto launch the session. They don’t have to be full tribes. An admin can always manually launch the session via “cheat gamecommand startgame”

This is the amount of seconds it takes for the “ring of death” to collapse. It is, in effect, the overall match time.

This is the amount of time before the match will auto-start once the requisite number of Tribes has been reached.

This is how long the server will wait before auto-restarting (and for now, booting everyone) after a match is over.

This is the amount of sudden death time once the ring-of-death has fully collapsed. If there is more than one tribe after this extra time, the match is declared a draw.

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