Argument |
Effect |
RCONEnabled=True |
Enables Remote Console on your server. Set False to disable. |
RCONPort=32330 |
Sets the port for remote console on your server |
ServerPVE |
Disables PvP, you are not able to kill other players |
ServerHardcore |
When you die, your character is wiped to level 1 |
ServerCrosshair |
Turns on a crosshair |
ServerForceNoHud |
Disables the floating names |
AltSaveDirectoryName |
Saves server data to an alternate directory |
GlobalVoiceChat |
Voice chat is global, everyone can hear each other |
NoTributeDownloads |
Turns off outside downloads of characters/dinos |
PreventDownloadSurvivors |
True/false enables whether or not you can download characters to the server |
PreventDownloadDinos |
True/false enables whether or not you can download dinosaurs to the server |
PreventDownloadItems |
True/false enables whether or not you can download items to the server |
OnlyAllowSpecifiedEngrams |
Defaults false. If true, any Engram not explicitly specified in the EngramsOverride list will be Hidden. |
AllowThirdPersonPlayer |
Enables 3rd person mode |
AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft |
Displays message when someone leaves the server |
DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined |
Disables message when someone joins the server |
ShowMapPlayerLocation |
Shows your location on the map |
DifficultyOffset=0 to 1 |
Changes the difficulty on the server, 0 being normal and 1 being x4 harder and more loot |
DisableStructureDecayPVE |
Enables whether structures decay or not if left unattended |
AllowFlyerCarryPVE |
Determines whether or not flying dinosaurs can carry |
NewMaxStructuresInRange=6000 |
Changes the amount of structures allowed within a certain range |
EnablePVPGamma |
Allows you to turn gamma on for your server at night |
DayCycleSpeedScale=1 |
Changes the length of daytime |
NightTimeSpeedScale=1 |
Changes the length of nighttime |
DayTimeSpeedScale=1 |
Changes the speed daytime occurs |
DinoDamageMultiplier=1.000000 |
Changes the amount of damage dealt by dinosaurs |
PlayerDamageMultiplier=1.000000 |
Changes the amount of damage dealt by players |
StructureDamageMultiplier=1.000000 |
Changes the amount of damage structures can take |
PlayerResistanceMultiplier=1.000000 |
Changes players resistance |
DinoResistanceMultiplier=1.000000 |
Changes dinosaurs resistance |
StructureResistanceMultiplier=1.000000 |
Changes structure resistance |
XPMultiplier=1.000000 |
Changes the amount of XP gained |
TamingSpeedMultiplier=1 |
Changes the speed of taming |
HarvestAmountMultiplier=1 |
Changes the amount of materials gained from harvesting |
PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier=1 |
Changes how fast player water drains |
PlayerCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=1 |
Changes how fast player food drains |
DinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=1 |
Changes how fast dinosaur food drains |
PlayerCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier=1 |
Changes how fast player stamina drains |
DinoCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier=1 |
Changes how fast dinosaur stamina drains |
PlayerCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier=1 |
Changes player health recovery rate |
DinoCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier=1 |
Changes dinosaur health recovery rate |
DinoCountMultiplier=1 |
Changes the amount of dinosaurs |
HarvestHealthMultiplier=1 |
Changes the harvest health multiplier |
PvEStructureDecayDestructionPeriod=0 |
Changes the structure decay period |
ClampResourceHarvestDamage |
Enables whether dinosaur melee damage % affects harvesting amounts |
ResourcesRespawnPeriodMultiplier=1 |
Changes the resource respawn time |
KickIdlePlayersPeriod=2400 |
Changes the AFK kick timer |
AutoSavePeriodMinutes=15 |
Changes how often the server saves |
PvPZoneStructureDamageMultiplier=6.0 |
Changes the amount of damage structures near and inside caves take, the default is x6 the regular amount |
ActiveMods= |
Allows you to use multiple mods on your server. Specify the mod’s file ID after the setting (example ActiveMods=5584349,32059483) |
MapModID= |
Allows you to use specify which map you’re server is using, example MapModID=485317707 |
GameModIds |
Allows you to specify which mods your server is using, example GameModIds=487516323,487516324,487516325 |
MaxTamedDinos=4000 |
Allows you to edit the max amount of tamed dinosaurs on the server, 4000 is the default |
SpectatorPassword=mypassword |
Allows you to set a password so people can use spectator mode without being an Admin, log in using request spectator <password> |
AllowCaveBuildingPvE=true |
Allows you to build in caves or not on PvE servers |
IncreasePvPRespawnInterval = true |
Allows you to enable whether or not multiple deaths will cause longer respawn times on your server |
IncreasePvPRespawnIntervalCheckPeriod=300 |
Allows you to adjust the PvP respawn interval check period |
IncreasePvPRespawnIntervalMultiplier=2 |
Allows you to adjust the PvP respawn multiplier for multiple deaths |
IncreasePvPRespawnIntervalBaseAmount=60 |
Allows you to adjust the PvP respawn base time |
ResourceNoReplenishRadiusPlayers=1 |
Allows you to adjust the range that resources replenish near structures |
ResourceNoReplenishRadiusStructures=1 |
Allows you to adjust the range that resources replenish near structures |
AutoPvETimer=true |
Enables the PvP/PvE system on your server |
AutoPvEUseSystemTime=true or false |
Causes the PvP/PvE to use system time rather than server time |
AutoPvEStartTimeSeconds=0 to 86400 |
Allows you to set how long the PvE period will last |
AutoPvEStopTimeSeconds=0 to 86400 |
Allows you to adjust how long the PvE period will cease for, enabling PvP |
PreventOfflinePvP=true |
Use this to enable the offline raiding prevention option. |
PreventOfflinePvPInterval=900 |
That would be a 15 min wait before a tribe/players dinos/structures become invulnerable/inactive after they log off. (if Tribe, requires ALL Tribe members logged off!) |
ShowFloatingDamageText=true |
Use this to enable RPG-style popup text stat mode. |
DisableImprintDinoBuff=true |
Use this to disable the Dino Imprinting-Player Stat Bonus |
AllowAnyoneBabyImprintCuddle=true |
Use this if you want ANYONE to be able to “take care” of a Baby Dino (cuddle etc), not just whomever Imprinted on it. |
OverideStructurePlatformPrevention=true |
Use this if you want Auto-Turrets to be buildable/working on those Dino saddle platforms š |
EnableExtraStructurePreventionVolumes=true |
Use this to completely disable building in specific resource-rich areas, in particular setup on TheIsland around the major mountains. |
MaxNumberOfPlayersInTribe=1 |
Allows you to edit the maximum amount of people allowed in a tribe. 1 effectivly disables tribes |