Wild: The best adjective to describe Canis Maxdirus is "scary". This pack-hunter is a cunning and brutal predator, capable of taking down prey of nearly any size. In addition to being a vicious hunter, it is the size of a small horse, meaning even the largest predators aren't necessarily safe from the packs.
Domesticated: Obviously, Canis is an amazing battle mount. It is fairly fast, very strong, and agile. It can jump almost as well as the Island's battle cats. Riding a supercharged "Alpha" Canis into battle at the head of a bloodthirsty pack is a thrill for which most warriors would gladly proclaim: "Today is a good day to die!"
Known Information: The species has an incredible affinity for teamwork. Unlike most creatures on the island, Canis is a dedicated pack hunter, and rarely hunts alone. In fact, Canis is naturally as effective with its packmates as most creatures are when their mate is in danger--when in a pack, they are naturally spurred to fight for their lives. Furthermore, when in a pack, the most experienced Canis will be designated "Alpha" and gain an even stronger enhancement.
New Items: Small and Large Bear Traps, for locking players and dinos in their tracks!
New Structure: Stone Behemoth Gate
New rare “Alpha” T-Rex can be found that is bigger and meaner than the regular T-Rex with distinct color schema, gives a unique cosmetic (and a ton of XP and resources) if you defeat it. It also buffs the resistance and damage of nearby carnis around it due to its Alpha-pack dominating status. You can’t tame it… yet… but we’d like feedback on whether the community would be interested in more of this direction.
Gameplay changes
Tamed Dinos now lay Eggs over time without having to leave them alone i.e. they now do it in real-time and you can watch them… o_O
Dealt with the Trilobites’ resources: they now clamp resource harvest amounts (no overdamage.. we need to ween off that , they only yield pearls and oil rarely, and they are significantly less common in the shallows.
More dino blood overlays, & option to disable Dino blood overlays
Stone harvesting settings are back at +75%. An underlying change with the harvesting system had inadvertently affected them, thanks for the reports
You can no longer damage Tamed dinos thru Walls/Structures (prevents cheaping out people’s dinos from outside their bases)
Fixed bug where clients sometimes couldn’t see the equipped items/saddles on characters
Aquatic dinos swimming against water surface is now perfectly smooth, doesn’t result in a hard-stop of your character anymore.
Added the rest of the Dino Damage overlays
Canteens are no longer consumed when making soups
Server changes
Misc Spectator mode improvements (alphabetical player list, no longer considered “idle” for kicking, fixed sometimes getting into spectator mode when not desired, etc)
New Tribe Governance Option for Structures: Tribe Owned, Admin-Only Demolish
You can now properly enter spectator mode after dying without getting stuck at a black screen
Fixed various server crashes
Dedicated servers can now optionally load custom maps via ModID diectly , rather than having to specify the map name directly, using this syntax:
It has been some time, but now the first usable mods are available to subscribe on Steam Workshop. The “Sedative Longneck Rifle Dart” Mod was made by potatojoe, it adds new sedative ammunition for the longneck rifle. This is a really strong narcotic: A level two Bronto just needed four darts until it was stunned. Personally, I think its a little bit too strong for a multiplayer server at the moment. I also would have liked darts to remain for on the dino body longer.
Wild: Oviraptor Philodator is a small-to-medium sized carnivore, common in the jungles and beaches of the island. Despite being a carnivore, Oviraptor's primary source of food is eggs, which it steals from nests. Unlike any other creature, Oviraptor seems to be able to surreptitiously steal these eggs usually without attracting the attention of the irate mother.
Domesticated: Too small to fight or ride, Oviraptor is still one of the more commonly tamed creatures on the island. Its pheromone release ensures an increased stream of eggs from nearby mated wild creatures, for breeding, eating, or cooking kibble. And Oviraptor will autonomously do the dirty work of collecting them on your behalf without attracting unwanted attention. They also make quite adorable sounds, so many children simply like to keep them as rather strange companions.
Known Information: In an incredible feat of natural selection, Oviraptor seems to emit a chemical pheromone that affects many creatures as an aphrodisiac. Mated creatures are much more likely to... "create" new eggs while Oviraptor is around, which allows the oviraptor to go about its business unperturbed.
These are the changes of ARK: Survival Evolved’s Patch 192.0, grouped into categories for clarity. If not otherwise indicated, they’re quoted from the relevant Steam Thread.
Item Changes
Sickle now yields 3x the amount of Fiber it was previously harvesting per stroke.
Canteen can now be properly filled up at a Water Tap.
Lots more Dino Damage overlays (almost all of them), and now properly dissolves away
Server Changes
Various Spectator Camera and control improvements
Primitive Servers now have the missing engrams: Feeding Trough and Sickle
Reduced aggressive immediate dino repopulation to avoid server lag spikes
Fixed Function and Middle Mouse Wheel keybindings work again
Fixed a bug that was causing hitchy startup/loading on Mac/Linux and memory spikes on some dedicated servers
Players should not randomly become spectators anymore
Here are the patchnotes of the previous patch (191.0)
These are the changes of ARK: Survival Evolved’s Patch 191.0, grouped into categories for clarity. If not otherwise indicated, they’re quoted from the relevant Steam Thread.
Item Changes
Metal Sickle weapon for harvesting Fiber from seed-plants
Compound Bow has 5x more effective durability, less camera shake when pulled
Modern Polymer Canteen Item stores up to 300 water and uses 100 per sip. (and is lighter than jars)
Water Jars can now be used twice, with 100 water restored per sip
PvE can no longer add or demolish transponders on non-ally Tamed Dinos or Players.
Trilobite, your new favorite renewable source of Chitin and Silica
Server Changes
Max Number of Tamed Dinos on the ARK is now server-customizable value, and bumped up the default by 1000
Admin Spectator camera (and an extra password you can use for anyone to access spectator mode) + spectator-controls UI
Improved loading speed, RAM usage, and streaming performance
Smoother multiplayer character interpolation, jitters eliminated
Redone painting UI to allow switching colors and re-dying brushes from directly within the painting UI
Mac Gamepad input fixes
Fixed exploit that could push characters through walls in edge case
Here are the patchnotes of the previous patch (190.0)
A new dinosaur has been announced: the Electrophorus. This little follower is more known as electric eel, albeit this is the giant version. There are no additional informations available yet, but maybe we'll be able to use them as an alternative power source? 😉
Common Name:
Electrophorus Beluadomito
Wild: Occupying a space in the low-to-middle end of the food chain, Electrophorus beluadomito is a carnivorous swimmer the feeds mostly off of shellfish and small fish. Despite its common name, it is actually a very long knifefish, and not an eel. It does not provide much meat, so many predators simply leave it be. Unlike most predators, it does not use brute strength to bring down its prey, but instead releases an electrical charge around itself to knock its prey unconscious. Alone, this can take out a small creature. When attacking together, Electrophorus can even bring down the larger ocean lifeforms, then feed as a group.
Domesticated: By far, the most common use of Electrophorus is to subdue large ocean creatures. Knocking out a Plesiosaur or other giant deep-sea leviathan can be incredibly difficult, thus many tribes employ small schools of Electrophorus to shock targets into submission!
Redone painting UI to allow switching colors and re-dying brushes from directly within the painting UI
Added Dino Hurt-Damage Blood overlay (various dinos get bloodier as they take more damage to help visually indicate their health)
Tribes now have a governance option as to whether only Admins can unclaim Tribe Dinos
Server Changes
Mac & Linux Controller Support: for your Steam Controllers! What’s that you say? You don’t have a Steam Controller yet?! Oh ok, it’ll also work with regular controllers
Increase to 4.0 Difficulty on Official Server Network (and increase of difficulty cap to 4.0)
Fixed Dinos (Scorp, Anky, etc) getting stuck on Server when swimming and attacking (rubber banding)
Fixed some minor exploits
Eliminated a method-exploit you could use to push your buddy thru walls
Tribe name uniqueness on a server is now enforced (going forwards)
Mod Changes
Better mod features to add engrams to structures and remap items
Stackable Mod support! (works with all existing mods too! and you can use Mods on custom maps now
Eliminated Non-Dedicated Session Passwords. They’re not properly supported by Steam, so instead we’ve added an option for “Private” sessions, which don’t appear on the public Session List, and your friends can simply join those directly via the Steam Overlay (Invite or “Join Game”).
Fixed a crash when loading certain Mods
Fixed Mac/Linux clients to not attempt reinstalling Mods over again upon each launch.