These are the changes of ARK: Survival Evolved’s Update 177.0, grouped into categories for clarity. If not otherwise indicated, they’re quoted from the relevant Steam Thread.
- You can now make the T-Rex ROAR!!! with alt fire. The first of many
- A new Dinosaur will be added???
- Custom Skinned Mammoth Saddle & Sabertooth Saddles
- Flyers do 60% less damage to structures
- Can now adjust a setting for whether you want your dino to auto-collect inventory from things it kills
- Guns/explosives are 20% more effective against dinos
New Structures
- Reinforced Steel Vault, for when you gotta store a crapton of items with maximum security [Our Item Spotlight is here, -Ed]
- Wood Spike Barricade, for when you just gotta build a quick defense on the cheap.
- “Bookshelf” to store mass quantities of blueprints and notes and implants
- Linux Dedicated Server
- Major improvement to asynchronous background streaming, resulting in smoother overall performance when moving through the environment
- fixed water jar blueprint
- fixed fall damage to never get a super high instantaneous velocity, is now time-based.
- Tribe governance can now be reset
- Locked Doors now always accessible by Tribemates (PIN-coded doors follow the governance setting)
- Storage Boxes now only use slots, not weight
- Doubled number of item slots on “Smity”, “Fabricator”, etc
- Supply Drops now give crafted items again, albeit at adjusted rates
(Original Announcement on Steam)
Here are the patchnotes of the previous patch (176.0).