New Content
- New Creature: Doedicurus! See Dossier
- New Item: Primitive Organic Automated Turret
- New Item: Automatic Spray-Paint ‘Gun’
- Servers can now edit a multiplier for player and dino level-upgrade amounts per-stat (and also different numbers in the case of wild dinos).
- Added server option to disable “Friendly Fire” (among tribesmates) on PvE
- Shooting arrows/projectiles at unconscious tiny dinos now actually hits them properly
- Fixed aiming of character weapon shooting when carried by a Flyer (previously was very difficult to hit stuff due to a bug)
- Whistles and other attached sounds now play properly when riding dinos
- Emotes now work properly when riding dinos
Fixed another exploit involving players getting under the terrain, and if you do get under the terrain somehow you will be teleported back above it.
Fixed an exploit where filled water containers could be used forever in recipes that require a filled water container
Fixed an exploit where you could fill water canteens/jars up fully at a watertank even if you did not have enough water to do so (essentially allowing you to infinitely generate water).
Fixed issues where you could erroneously create floating structures using fence foundations + pillars
You can now attach electric generators to electric cables after placing cables, they will snap accordingly
Radio Engram exists again
The destruction time of eggs on the ground is now the same for all eggs, 30 min