ARK: The Animated Series The series on Paramount+ is evolving into a multimedia highlight featuring: Star-studded cast (Michelle Yeoh, Gerard Butler, Russell Crowe) Gripping story centered around paleontologist Helena Walker High-quality animations Deep expansion of the ARK universe Long-term Development Plans Studio Wildcard has unveiled a detailed development roadmap through 2026: New free maps like […]
Category: General
ARK: Survival Ascended 2025 – A Year Full of Innovations
The year 2025 heralds a new era for ARK: Survival Ascended. Let us guide you through the exciting innovations awaiting us in the coming months. The Technical Revolution The March update marks a milestone in development: With the integration of Unreal Engine 5.5, we’re not just expecting a massive performance boost, but a complete technical […]
ARK: Bob’s Tall Tales – Steampunk Ascent Transports Players to a Fascinating World of Gears and Steam Power
Studio Wildcard has released an exciting new trailer for “ARK: Bob’s Tall Tales – Steampunk Ascent,” giving fans a tantalizing glimpse into the upcoming expansion. This latest addition to the ARK universe promises to take players beyond the underground chaos of Aberration into a world ruled by gears, cogs, and steam power. A Story Told […]
Aberration Ascended and Bob’s Tall Tales: Steampunk Ascent – A Thrilling New Adventure in ARK
Studio Wildcard has just released an exciting new expansion for ARK: Survival Evolved – Aberration Ascended and Bob’s Tall Tales: Steampunk Ascent. This latest addition to the ARK universe promises to take players on an unforgettable journey into a dark and dangerous underworld, filled with new challenges, creatures, and steampunk-inspired technology A Perilous New World […]
Ark: The Animated Series – First 6 Episodes released!
“Ark: The Animated Series” based on the survival game “Ark: Survival Evolved” is not suitable for children, despite the cartoon style. The first two episodes, each about 20 minutes long, contain a lot of violence and brutality. The series tells the prehistory of the game and is about a battle between humans and dinosaurs in […]
LOVE is in the Air! Valentines Special 02/13 till 02/20
Can you feel the love in the air? Love Evolved is set to sweep ARK survivors off their feet with an array of enchanting new treats and delights. This love-filled event, celebrating Valentine’s Day, kicks off on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, and will continue to spread joy and affection until Tuesday, February 20, 2024, on […]
ARK: Survival Ascended Launch Trailer – Early Access on Steam! Remastered!
On October 26, 2023, the Early Access version of ARK: Survival Ascended was released on Steam. The launch on PlayStation and Xbox is scheduled for November. In the new launch trailer, the developers show how incredibly cool the survival fight with the dinosaurs looks in Unreal Engine 5.
ARK:Extinction now released on Nintendo Switch!
Finish your journey through the worlds of ARK in ‘Extinction’, where the story began and ends: on Earth itself! With the partnership of Grove Street Games the Game is released now on Nintendo Switch!
ARK: The Animated Series Season 1 Trailer
The trailer for Season 1 is here! ARK: The Animated Series is an adaptation of the hit video game and features an unparalleled cast including Michelle Yeoh, Gerard Butler, Russell Crowe and Vin Diesel as executive producers. In a sweeping story that spans eons of human and world history, 21st century paleontologist Helena Walker finds […]
The Survival of the Fittest – Launch – Prototype! ARK TSOTF
ARK: The Survival of the Fittest is a prototype spin-off of ARK: Survival Evolved that pits up to 60 players against each other in a fast-paced, action-packed survival battle to lead their dinosaur armies into battle in an epic showdown. ARK TSOTF is the only Battle Royale that focuses on large-scale confrontations between creatures and […]