Dino Dossier: Scorpion

Common Name: Scorpion
Species: Pulmonoscorpius gigantus
Time: Late Silurian
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Aggressive
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: Yes
Saddle: Pulmonoscorpius Saddle (Lvl. 25)
  • Wild: I'm not sure why, but the giant scorpions I've seen on the island are far more disturbing than most of the Dinosaurs. Rather than simply kill its prey, Pulmonoscorpius gigantus injects its victims with a tranquilizing poison, then eats its unconscious prey alive.
  • Domesticated: Trying to tame a monster like Pulmonoscorpius gigantus sounds like a crazy idea, but I suppose the ability to knock out a foe could come in handy. It could certainly make incapacitating some of the island's other creatures much easier.
  • Known Information: This subspecies has a large pair of pincers that seem connected to the same toxin sacs as the tail. I've never seen another scorpion that has this adaptation, but I've never seen another scorpion that is larger than I am, either.


  • Raw Meat
  • Chitin

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Dino Dossier: Sarco – Crocodile

Common Name: Sarco
Species: Sarcosuchus excubitor
Time: Early Cretaceous
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Patient
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: Yes
Saddle: Sarco Saddle (Lvl. 35)
Command: admincheat summon Sarco_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Among the island's water-based threats, Sarcosuchus excubitor is a lot what you might expect from a giant crocodile: A patient killing machine. It spends much of its days lazily waiting in the water for prey to walk near. That said, it is not opposed to scurrying onto land and pressing the issue when hungry.
  • Domesticated: Despite being river-dwelling creatures, Sarcosuchus seem quite at ease in the oceans. They are excellent hunters due to their power and health that in packs can take on the famous Tyrannosaurus which makes them excellent guards as well.
  • Known Information: A good tactic for escaping many predators is to jump into the water, as most are slow swimmers. This is a bad tactic for escaping a Sarcosuchus, obviously, as they are actually faster in the water than they are on land. More than a few fishing communities use them as mounts simply to help fight off Megalodons, or to gain better access to the resources found within the reefs.


  • Raw Meat
  • Raw Prime Meat
  • Hide

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Dino Dossier: Sabertooth

Common Name: Sabertooth
Species: Smilodon brutalis
Time: Early Pleistocene/Holocene
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Aggressive
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: Yes
Saddle: Sabertooth Saddle (Lvl. 45)
Command: admincheat summon Saber_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Smilodon brutalis is a solitary predator, generally found in cold, lightly wooded areas. The island's mountains are the perfect habitat, as the mammal's fur keeps it safe from the bitter temperature. While its huge fangs are excellent for delivering deathblows, the creature's claws can be just as deadly.
  • Domesticated: While not as fast as Raptors, there's no denying the Sabertooth's increased resilience and power. In addition, well-trained Sabertooth can be taught to use their claws to flay corpses. This may sound morbid, but it is among the best ways to quickly gather large quantities of hide from the giant beasts of the island.
  • Known Information: Despite normally being a solitary creature, Smilodon brutalis are not opposed to hunting in small packs. In fact, they have to do this to take down larger prey such as Mammoths. Enough Sabertooths can take down a Carnotaurus, perhaps even a Tyrannosaurus. Either way, Smilodon brutalis should not be underestimated.


  • Raw Meat
  • Prime Meat

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Dino Dossier: Rex

Common Name: Rex
Species: Tyrannosaurus dominum
Time: Late Cretaceous
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Aggressive
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: Yes
Saddle: Rex Saddle (Lvl. 60)
Command: admincheat summon Rex_Character_BP_C
Alphacommand: admincheat summon MegaRex_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Among the deadliest creatures on the island, Tyrannosaurus dominum is a killing machine.
  • Domesticated: Taming a Tyrannosaurus is without a doubt a primary goal for any aspiring warlord or warring Tribes. There is a reason Tyrannosaurus is considered the king of the dinosaurs (or with this genus, the 'lord'). A Tribe that actually manages to tame one has almost nothing to fear to challenge their power.
  • Known Information: Active mostly when hunting for food or defending its nest, a reasonable plan is to avoid every Tyrannosaurus. I've seen no creature on the island that can contest Tyrannosaurus for sheer dominance. It is pure power - from its bite, to its stomp, to its tail, to its arms. Despite being a different species of Tyrannosaurus, most people still refer to them as a "Rex" or a "T-Rex."


  • Raw Meat
  • Raw Prime Meat
  • Hide
  • Tyrannosaurus Arm
  • Rex Bone Helmet

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Dino Dossier: Raptor

Common Name: Raptor
Species: Utahraptor prime
Time: Early Creataceous
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Aggressive
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: Yes
Saddle: Raptor Saddle (Lvl. 15)
Command: admincheat summon Raptor_Character_BP_C
Alphacommand: admincheat summonMegaRaptor_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Utahraptor Prime is an incredibly aggressive species of Utahraptor found on the island. It tends to travel in small hunting packs, attacking smaller prey with its sharp teeth or enlarged foreclaws.
  • Domesticated: Despite its normally aggressive nature, Utahraptor has become one of the main mounts for roaming bands of raiders, as well as scouts for the larger collectives. Those who ride Utahraptor claim they are difficult to tame, but fiercely loyal once they are. As a carnivore, once tamed they require a steady stream of meat to sustain.
  • Known Information: One of the faster creatures on the island, Utahraptor often uses hit-and-run tactics against larger opponents. The large curved talon on the second toe of this sub-species seems particularly suited for attacking while jumping. Utahraptor Prime usually kill their prey with numerous slashing and leaping attacks in rapid sequence.


  • Raw Meat
  • Hide

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Dino Dossier: Pteranodon

Common Name: Pteranodon
Species: Pteranodon wyvernus
Time: Late Cretaceous
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Skittish
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: Yes
Saddle: Pteranodon Saddle (Lvl. 35)
Command: admincheat summon Ptero_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Pteranodon wyvernus is a large pterosaur, capable of flying for incredibly long periods. While others I've seen on the island still call it a Pterodactyl, this is inaccurate.
  • Domesticated: I don't know how they did it, but I once saw a trio of Pteranodons with riders on them. This must be the fastest way to get around the island, but it can't provide any measure of safety or secrecy.
  • Known Information:The Pteranodon seems to be one of the least aberrant Reptile on the island. Pteranodon wyvernus mostly feeds itself by eating the small fish around the island, but they can also be found scavenging any number of dead animals. Because of this they are one of the most common Creatures on the island.


  • Raw Meat
  • Hide

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Dino Dossier: Plesiosaur

Common Name: Plesiosaur
Species: Elasmosaurus remuspissa
Time: Late Cretaceous
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Docile
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: Yes
Saddle: Plesiosaur Saddle (Lvl. 60)
Command: admincheat summon Plesiosaur_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Elasmosaurus remuspissa has a strange role in the oceanic food chain. It almost exclusively hunts the smaller creatures in the waters, leaving most even moderately large creatures (such as humans) alone. The sheer size of the Elasmosaurus means that the quantity of creatures it must eat to sustain itself is nothing short of enormous.
  • Domesticated: Much like the Brontosaurus on land, Elasmosaurus is an excellent way to transport large quantities of goods over water. These powerful creatures are in fact so large that they can be used as mobile water bases. Ambitious tribes sometimes build bunkers right onto the backs of Elasmosaurus instead of building cargo ships.
  • Known Information: Despite its imposing size, Elasmosaurus still has natural predators. Well, a natural predator: the Megalodon. Apart from that monstrous creature, I myself have only ever seen two creatures bring down an Elasmosaurus: a Spinosaurus that found its way into the deeps (not common), and humans. Though I will admit, I have yet to fully explore the staggering deep underwater caverns surrounding the island.


  • Raw Meat
  • Prime Meat

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Dino Dossier: Piranha

Common Name: Piranha
Species: Megapiranha magnadmorsus
Time: Late Miocene
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Aggressive
Tameable: No
Rideable: No
Command: admincheat summon Piranha_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Megapiranha magnadmorsus is carnivorous fish found fairly commonly in the rivers and ponds of the island. Its bite is incredibly powerful; I've even seen them break through the armored turtles of the island. Megapiranha has one of the strongest bites, pound-for-pound, of any creature on the island.
  • Domesticated: Like some of the other creatures on the island, a tamed Megapiranha is best suited as a guard. Their high metabolism makes them require more food than many other creatures, but they are very adept at hunting their own food, particularly the Coelacanths.
  • Known Information: When encountering a Megapiranha, be on the lookout for the rest of the school. No one Megapiranha is an overwhelming threat, but their tendency to swarm prey can make short work of much larger and stronger creatures. Any given Megapiranha is easy to kill, but killing the entire school can be a daunting task.


  • Raw Meat

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Dino Dossier: Phiomia

Common Name: Phiomia
Species: Phiomia ignavus
Time: Late Eocene
Early Oligocene
Diet: Herbivore
Temperament: Skittish
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: Yes
Saddle: Phiomia Saddle (Lvl. 5)
Command: admincheat summon Phiomia_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Phiomia ignavus is another herd animal on the island. They are small enough that almost any predator can bring them down, but large enough to provide plenty of meat.
  • Domesticated: While it is completely possible to ride a Phiomia around, they are a meager choice. They work very well, however, as pack-mules. And I've seen some communities keeping a herd of these around as livestock. The Phiomia require protection though, as they are terrible fighters.
  • Known Information: Were it not for the protection of the herd, and their instinct to run from any predator, these would almost certainly be hunted to extinction. A Phiomia's tusks and trunk make it especially suited to scavenging plant life from the ground. It uses its tusks to dig up loose plant life, then uses its stubby trunk to scoop the foliage into its mouth. Adult Phiomia often dig up food for their young, and watching a baby Phiomia attempt to use its trunk can be quite amusing.


  • Raw Meat
  • Hide

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